月光下的省思Contemplation under the Moon Light
那是一條約八分鐘的路,一條當年半隱居時,從外歸返的一條直路。雖然祗是短短的八分鐘,吾也一樣把握著,享受著,因爲吾清楚明白,一切都在變更,一切都會過去的。 根本就沒有,所謂妳你的,她他的,我的,一切祗不過是,「一時的因緣聚會」而已,實在不必常嘆,好苦好煩惱,欲想解脫之,應做如是觀。

It was a route that took approximately 8 minutes. A route that I used to take during the period of my semi-retreat. A straight road that took me home. Even though it was only a short eight-minute walk, I still took the opportunity to enjoy every moment of it because I knew very well that everything is in a constant flux of change, and that everything shall come to pass. There is nothing that truly belongs to you, or him, or me. It only comes into being because of the temporal affinity. Therefore, there is really no need for frequent sighing or complaining that life is tough and sufferings. This is the view that you should have if you wish for liberation.
I remembered a certain year when I was at the Futsing Association Building to attend a puja ceremony. During the event, I was blessed with the affinity and purchase a wood-carved statue of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. It was one of its kind and so regal-looking that even till today, I have yet to encounter another one that matched it. I was filled with absolute Dharma joy, as I sincerely invited the Bodhisattva to my abode of semi-retreat. After paying respect to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas after the puja ceremony, I went home with the statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.
What happened on the way home was unbelievable!
As I was walking on that 8-minute route, I suddenly felt the statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, in my hands, getting heavier and heavier with every step I took. Later on, I learnt that this is a sign that the Buddha or Bodhisattva has accepted your invitation to head home with you.
Some people have this belief that it is not suitable to worship Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in their homes because He is also the Guardian of the Netherworld. They believed that if you make offerings to Him at home, you might attract the wandering spirits. That is NOT true. The Great Vow of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva being: “Until the Hells are empty, I vow not to become a Buddha.” This great and noble vow wield such great prowess that any evil spirit or negative energy will be deterred. Furthermore, worshipping Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva have 10 great benefits such as:
1. You will have peaceful dreams
2. You will be blessed with radiance and good complexion
3. You will enjoy abundance of food and clothing
4. You will be born as a male
5. You will be protected by the devas
Client wonders why Master Dai Hu is so good at what he does
Learning the Dharma and spiritual cultivation has taught me how to maintain the splendor of life against the passage of time, fully utilize every second of life to liberate myself from the bounds of my physical manifestation, and say goodbye to the Six Realms of Existence. Since the day I stepped onto this path, there have been both praises and criticism. But there have been more praises than criticisms, and I must give thanks to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and the Heavenly Gods for their blessings and empowerment. I vaguely remembered some clients and disciples asking me why I am so good at what I do.
My answer is simply: Contemplation under the Moonlight.