人生從開始到結束,都會有很多很多事情,面臨選擇的時刻。例如;該讓子女上哪一所學府、該讓子女攻讀哪一科、哪位女傭適合看顧自己的子女、東南西北中,哪 個方向的屋子較適宜購買、怎樣的店面可以開門營業,香奈兒、愛馬仕、蒂芙尼、萬寶龍等等,應該選購哪一個,本特利、馬賽地、寶馬、法拉利、兰博基呢等等, 應該購買哪輛好,女子甲女乙女,哪位可娶過門……。
妳你的選擇有可能對,也有可能錯。而這對錯當中,完全靠妳你當時的運氣。這選擇的對錯當中,還包括一種「高度機密」的隱情,叫因果律。妳你信也好,不信也 罷,因果本來就存在著,沒有因果,誰也無法享有公平。從這段文字中,諸位就可明白為何有些人會說,某某師父批得不準、看得不準。除了學藝不精以外,就是某 某師父不諳因果。
細心與耐性是很重要的。這兩者若能結合起來,妳你對事物的選擇,就自然大大的提昇其準確度。這話何以見得?很多找師父為其服務,都是通過她他人介紹的。有 一部份則是自己上網, 誤打誤撞找師父的, 依然還是靠些運氣. 所謂的細心與耐性,是指妳你應該閱讀,某某師父的書或文章.若有機緣的話,不妨和她他見個面,吃頓飯,親自了解對方的品德及休養。這樣才能確保萬無一失 啊! 祝:找到明師。
From the moment you were born, you will encounter many events, which call for decisions to be made. For example, the choice of schools for your children, the choice of academic subjects for your children, the choice of maid to care for your children, the facing direction (north, south, east, west, central) of your next home, the choice of retail space for your business, the choice of brands (Chanel, Hermes, Tiffany & Co. or Mont Blanc, etc), the choice of car (Bentley, Mercedes, BMW, Ferrari or Lamborghini etc), and which lady should you marry, Lady A or Lady B…
There is a chance that you might make the right decision, and the same chance that a wrong choice is made. Your fortune or luck at that moment dictates if you will make the right choice. At the core of this, a higher force that remains a secret to many, known as the Law of Karma, is the deciding factor. Whether you believe it or not, this Law of Karma is universal and exists since the beginning of Time. If there is no Law of Karma, there would be no fairness or equality for all. Now you might realize the reason why some fortune tellers are not accurate with some of their clients. Besides the individual skill level of these fortune tellers, it is because those masters do not understand the Law of Karma.
Having patience and being meticulous are important attributes when it comes to making choices. They help you achieve a higher accuracy in making the right call. Why is this so? Many people pick a fortune teller or master help them based on recommendations by others. Another group would look up the internet and make a blind choice. These require a lot of good luck. If one is patient and meticulous, he or she would look up articles or books written by the particular master in order to develop a better understanding of him or her. If the opportunity arises, it would be good to meet up with the master in person over a meal, to see for yourself his conduct and morals. This would increase greatly the probability of hiring the correct master.
Wishing everyone good luck in finding their accomplished master!
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