命犯孤星Born With The Star Of Loneliness
If I remember correctly, I first heard the phrase “born with the star of loneliness” during my growing up years from the Chinese movie “A Man Called Hero”, adapted from a bestselling comic series. My instinctive reaction at that time was to feel sorry for such a pitiful and helpless destiny. After I became a Master, I realized that I do have that “shadow of loneliness” in my facial features and birth chart too. Frankly speaking, I never dwell on the word “loneliness”, nor have I ever been afraid of it. Moreover, since my youth, I have been no stranger to loneliness.
Advantage of Having the Star of loneliness
I do not resist loneliness, just that at times, feelings of melancholy naturally arise. I have also witnessed countless sunrises and sunsets with only myself for company. As the Chinese saying goes, “When the old man from the frontier lost his horse, how could one have known that it would not be fortuitous?” It meant that what you see as a loss now may turn out to be a good thing after all. I may have experienced the feeling of isolation and loneliness early in my life, but when I stepped onto the path of spiritual practice, I experienced stillness very quickly as well. This quality of stillness is of utmost importance to achieve for all spiritual practitioners, in order to soon attain the selfless wisdom of the great compassionate Buddha, and put a permanent stop to the endless cycle of three evil paths as well as the six realms of existence, and finally achieve everlasting freedom, bliss and happiness.
The Star Of Loneliness can occur in Residential Feng Shui Too!
The truth is traces of this “Star of Loneliness” can be found not only in birth chart and facial features, they can be found in your homes as well. There is a misconception which I must correct. In some families, due to a new marriage, there is not enough room to cater to the newly-wed. Therefore, the family partitions a new room in the living area. Please do not do this as it will result in a lousy Feng Shui, and the family will indirectly inflict the newly-wed with the “Star of Loneliness”!
To cross the path of the Star of Loneliness is not a good thing for anybody. You might think that if it happens to a monk or a nun, it is nothing to be concerned about. You are wrong in this view. The sole purpose of entering monkhood is to pursue the fruits of the Dharma, and bring salvation to the sentient beings. If the monk’s destiny crosses the Star of Loneliness, how can he bring salvation to sentient beings? Some elderly folks who live by themselves eventually die alone in their own homes, undiscovered until somebody realizes it from the odour of their decomposing bodies. The fates of these old folks could have also crossed path with the Star of Loneliness. Would you say this is a good thing?

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Even The Clouds In The Sky Worry