祝賀南無大願地藏王菩薩的聖誕Birthday Wishes for Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva
農曆七月三十日 (12 September 2015) 是南無大願地藏王菩薩的聖誕。在這一天恭念祂的洪名、持祂心咒或唸《地藏菩薩本願經》,等等,功德加倍,有不可思議的力量!
The 30th day of the Seventh Lunar Month (12 September 2015) is the holy birthday of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva. If you recite His name, His mantra or The Sutra of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Fundamental Vows, merits are multiplied and immense Dharma power is generated!
On His birthday, you can do this at home: Take out the pictorial card of the Bodhisattva (if you have one), take a bath and observe the vegetarian precept, or at least, wash your face and gargle your mouth. After which you can respectfully recite the name of Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, “南無地藏王菩薩 (Namo Ti Zang Wang Pu Sa)” or “南無地藏王菩薩摩訶薩” (Namo Ti Zang Wang Pu Sa Mo He Sa), for a total of 1080 times or at least 108 times, and dedicate the merits to your ancestors and deceased relatives for a swift rebirth in the Pureland or for yourself. If your friends or relatives are ill or hospitalized, dedicate the merits to them, praying for recovery from the illnesses or improvement in the condition and be discharged from the hospital.
Please refrain from doing the chanting on your bed!
The video in this post lists out some of the merits of reciting Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s holy name. In the video, I also did 21 recitations to share with my readers and fans, who are unfamiliar with Buddhist chanting but would like to learn. Let us go into the radiant light of the Bodhisattva’s holy name!

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