玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


人見人愛Being liked by everyone you meet


這得看一個人命中是否有帶桃花。很多人以為桃花只局限在愛情和婚姻,其實不然。每一個人都需要一定的桃花,尤其是政治人物、明星、弘法人員等,方才能攝眾。 桃花有分正桃花、濫桃花、野桃花、遍地桃花等等。桃花當然得處理好,以免造成煩惱。



想要增進自己的人緣嗎? 現在開始還來得及哦!

In my course of destiny analysis and solving problems for clients, I often encountered questions like why the client’s business is not doing well, why he could not get along well with his colleagues or family, why no one likes him etc.

This depends on if his birth chart has peach blossom luck. Many people assume that the peach blossom luck is only necessary for love and marriage and that is so not true. Everybody needs peach blossom luck to some extent, especially politicians, celebrities and religious propagators. Without it, how would they be able to attract people to their cause? Peach blossoms are categorized into proper peach blossom, indiscriminate peach blossom, wild peach blossom and a field full of peach blossoms etc. Cautious handling of peach blossom luck is definitely necessary to avoid future troubles.

There are people whose birth charts show such universal appeal. They are well-liked by almost everyone they meet because in their past lives, they have already been cultivating this aspect of respect & love from others via worshiping the gods who bestow respect and affection, offering of flowers to the Buddhas & Bodhisattvas, offering of vegetarian meals to the public, being benevolent to others, often greeting others with a kind smile and forming many good affinities with sentient beings through various kind acts.

People with such likeability should perform more deeds to benefit others in this lifetime. Making good use of your personal appeal to do more meaningful acts will ensure your continued likability and help from many benefactors in the next lifetime.

Wanting to enhance your own likability? Now it’s not too late to start!


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