在還沒變之前Before The Change Unfolds
當年秦始皇因排儒,欲將所有的書焚盡,唯獨一本書他沒焚,究竟是哪一本書讓他「手下留情」呢?這本書是其身邊一位高官,仔細講解給他聽後,而得以「免於一 死」。也唯有真實功德的書,才能繼續利益後世疾苦交加之眾生。這本書就是全世界,排名第一的《易經》。西方人把它稱為《The Book Of Changes》。
《易經》說明了一切都是在變化中,一切也無常態,暗合了佛所說的,一切皆無常啊!而這一切包含了天時天時、地理、人和,包含了六親眷屬之關係、人的身體、 災難、情感、財富等等等,都在變化中。根本沒有一樣東西,我們可以將它留住,唯有藏在妳你「心中最深處」的佛性,才是永恆不變的。所有的我們,欲想親見自 己的佛性,一定要下苦功,真正實修佛法,持之以恆,最終才能親證妳你們原原本本的佛性,任運及自在。
從《易經》我們知道了,一切都在變,這是很好的。怎麼說呢?最起碼它已教會我們,不要去執著一切,應攝取當中的智慧,放開束縛,自在與快樂馬上奔向妳你。 這本《易經》實在讚!不說妳你們不知,五術山、醫、命、卜、相,皆出自於《易經》。若有人問妳你,現在在做什麼啊?妳你回應現在在研究算命,她他應該不會 有太大的反應。但如果妳你回應她他,妳你現在在研究《易經》,她他的反應會是前所未有的。
During the time of the Qin Dynasty, the Qin Emperor rejected the Teachings of Confucius and burnt all books, with the only exception of a single title. So which book was spared from the “burning death”? The virtues of this book was being extolled to the Emperor by a high-ranking official during that time and he convinced the Emperor not to burn this book. Only a book, with true merits and virtues, that can alleviate the sufferings of mankind, would be passed down centuries after centuries. This book, number one in the world, is non other than I Ching, or as named by the Westerners, “The Book of Changes”.
The Book of Changes states clearly that everything is in a constant flux of change and nothing is ever constant. This is aligned with the Buddha’s teaching that nothing is permanent! This includes the Heavens, Earth and Man, relationships with the family, one’s health, disasters, emotions, wealth, etc. There is absolutely not a single thing we can hold on to forever, except your own Buddha Nature, buried deep in your heart. If you desire to see your own Buddha Nature, you must work hard and cultivate the Dharma. Only through relentless effort on this long journey, will you be able to finally realize your Buddha Nature and gain liberation.
We know from the Book of Changes that everything is constantly changing. This is a good thing. Why do I say that? Well, at least it teaches us to release all attachments and gain the wisdom from it. When you let go, joy and freedom will immediately find their way to you. This book is really praiseworthy! You may not know this but the the five main metaphysic subjects of landform, medicine, destiny, divination and face reading stem from the Book of Changes. If someone is to ask you about your present occupation, and you answered that you are studying Destiny Analysis, the person probably might not show any big reaction. But if you tell that someone that you are doing research on the Book of Changes, you will be greeted with a reaction never seen before.
Master Dai Hu understands that nothing in this world actually matters, and it is only the ignorant who will bother himself with otherwise. Before any change unfold, why not recognize this wisdom, detach and free yourself from this never-ending cycle? There is only one path to true happiness and freedom.
The sun sets, and the moon ascends.
Another day has gone by.
The wild cattle is in disarray with no one to shepherd them.
Why would you not delve into this treasure trove of a book?
And find yourself in everlasting bliss and freedom.

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