居安思危Be Prepared for Adversity In Time of Peace
起初吾不忍為,環保有那麼必要。有一天,吾稍微靜下心來想一想,環保是有必要的,因為過多的資源浪費,真的堆積如山的垃圾,分化或倒進海洋,都會間接讓地 球「減壽」,這樣對誰都毫無益處。保藏妳你我珍貴的生命,妳你我就得同心協力,重複使用資源,儘量減少傷害地球生態。別忘了地球生態原是人類生存的來源 啊!
我們居住的家,也要安居思危。妳你購買的房子,並不是說妳你花巨額裝潢,就是平安吉祥的。屋宅的八個方位,再加上多個「氣口」,每年每月每時,皆有不同的 飛星飛動。妳你的家人,你你的事業,妳你的健康,妳你的投資等等,也都會因為妳你擺錯一件物品而出大錯。居安思危,明哲保身啊!
Where is the safest place? Let me tell you. There is no place safe on this Earth. Be it natural disasters, or man-made adversities, no matter where you run and how you hide, a bomb dropped from the sky will reduce centuries-old historical sites and a luxurious bungalow to rubble. This is the true reality of this human realm. You may think that it is cruel, but I suggest you prepare for adversity in times of peace.
Let us not look too far back in time, but instead observe recent happenings. There is the Nepal Earthquake, the capsized ferry Star of the East, in Hubei, China, the Sabah Earthquake at Mount Kinabalu, and many other unreported events around the world. These disasters struck in a flash, and serve to remind us that we should all be prepared for adversity even in times of peace and prosperity!
Initially I did not believe in concept of recycling. One day, I contemplated on this and realized that recycling is necessary after all. Humans waste huge amount of resources, generating mountains of rubbish that end up being burned or dumped into the ocean. All these acts will lead to the detriment of our Planet Earth, reducing her lifespan. This will not do anyone any good. In order to ensure our survival, we should join our hands to recycle, reduce and reuse, and minimize our damage to the ecosystem of Earth. Please do not forget that the ecosystem is the very source of our human survival!
We should adopt the same attitude in preparing for adversity in times of peace to our homes too. When you buy a house and spend a huge amount of money for renovation, it does not guarantee everlasting prosperity and peace. There are eight trigram positions in the house, and coupled with the many “Chi” (energy) outlets, are exposed to the various effects of the flying stars movement every hour of the day, month and year. The prosperity of your family, your career, your health, your wealth and investment etc, may be exposed to huge risk just because you wrongly place some object unknowingly somewhere in your house.
Please prepare for adversity in times of peace. The wise one who understand this principle will be the eventual winner!