小雨來的正是時候And The Rain Came At the Right Moment
吾對於雨, 並沒有特別的喜歡,或特別的討厭。對於雨的認知,吾想也
I used to have a neutral feeling towards rain. Neither do I have a lot of appreciation for it. Why, then, is this article about rain? Well, my main purpose is to share with everybody my changed perspective on rain after I started my spiritual cultivation. Through this article, I hope to highlight the quiet contribution of the rain.
One night after I am done with my consultations, my students and I went for supper at the town area. We were having our own meals, engaging in light conversations, when I felt a wisp of cool breeze swaying in from all directions. A surreal sense of tranquility engulfed the surroundings which, at that moment, had me baffled. I tilted my head slightly to my left and realised that it was the rain. Momentarily, an inspiration arose, a feeling towards the rain was formed, thus this article.
If you do not mind, I would be most willing to express my feelings, through this article, towards the rain. The light drizzle that night came at the right time. Not only did it added an aesthetic beauty to the surrounding, it drove away the heat as well. It diluted my sorrow towards sentient beings and calmed the woes burning in my heart. Rain has long since become my silent friend. We do not “communicate” often, but it knows me well because it always appears when I wish to see it most and when I have the time to offer it my subtle smile and nod of acknowledgement. It knows that I appreciate good manners, thus it rarely appears in front of me abruptly.
Ashamedly, only at this age do I have a full contemplative understanding of the rain: its kindness, its beauty, its conscientiousness, its maturity, its depth etc. Oh rain, I ask for your forgiveness. Please forgive the dim child in me. With your conscientious shower of nurturing, I will be more motivated, more strong willed and committed in learning your selfless and noble spirit towards all beings. I thank you sincerely for patiently arousing this dim child from his ignorance. This “problem child” will continue in his relentless pursuit of Enlightenment.
For all who read this article, I hope you will feel the same cool breeze through your burdened heart, when the rain arrives.

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