緣近緣遠,緣深緣淺Affinity Near and Afar, Affinity Deep and Shallow
One Saturday afternoon, I was going through my usual routine, completed a cultivation session and was about to start my ‘kick-about’ session when my mobile phone rang. A client of many years was on the other line. She called to seek my opinion on choosing the names I crafted for her third child as well as the child’s future. Perhaps I took good care of my ears because as conversation progressed, I realised that she was slightly choking with emotions. This client of mine was a strong woman and did not burst into tears during our entire conversation. If she did, I would have to say goodbye to my ‘kick-about’ session and meditation & breathing practice.
I would like to tell this client as well as everyone that between each of us, there exists an intricate karmic link to our past lives and many lifetimes ago. Through these connections, we are bound by gratitude, suffering, love and hatred. It is very difficult to discern and only people with the ability to read the past existences (metaphysics practitioners included) will be able to offer an explanation of the cause and effect of each relationship. Mundane beings will find it impossible to understand. That is why I have, all these years, pursued the knowledge of the Dharma and metaphysics conscientiously, so that I can help open the locks in your hearts and release the trapped souls which are pure and joyful.
I believe that many of us have encountered people or situations that we would rather not. But lest not forget that every cause would have an effect, and it is uncontrollable. This is the law of the Universe. Once you understood this universal truth, you would not lose your inner peace when you meet that person, no matter how loathsome he/she may be. For example, should you work with a difficult boss, you must quickly realise that you must have ill-treated him in your previous life, thus now is his turn to return the favour! This is the law of cause and effect I have been talking about. If you owe something, returning it is inevitable. This is fairness! Let me tell you, if you decide to fight him, this karmic entanglement would not be resolved and you are bound to meet him again in your next lifetime in this Samsara world. Is it not better to clear this karmic debt in this lifetime?
Actually these are all affinities. Some come uninvited, a sign of close affinity. Some affinities are so far that they cannot bear fruits even as we pine day and night for them. Deep affinities are those that bind us together for many decades. Shallow ones entails a couple of brief encounters and never to meet again.
Near or afar, deep or shallow, they are all affinities. Since it is affinity, let us be amicable when we meet and part. Why should we continue these entanglements in agony?

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