向偉大的領袖致敬A Tribute To A Great Leader
吾答: 「他的專注。」
李光燿先生對於他的學識, 他的事業,他的妻子,都能精神統一。他能把新加坡建立起來,及擁有一個堅固的婚姻,就是因爲他一心不亂。

Today is the first death anniversary of Singapore’s first Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who is also the Founding Father of Singapore.
What is the one quality we must learn from Mr Lee Kuan Yew?
My disciple asked me, as a Buddhist, what is the one quality that we must learn from Mr Lee Kuan Yew?
I answered, “His singular focus.”
He devoted his body and soul to his learning, his career and his wife. He achieved success in building Singapore and a strong marriage because he put in his full concentration and was never distracted.
When he saw trash in the Singapore River, he immediately took it upon himself to get the relevant authorities to clear it, even when he was mourning for the loss of his wife.
Why should we bother to talk about a dead person?
We get to enjoy the prosperity and stability today, because we have a fearless warrior in Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who matches up with his witty and wise philosophies. We do not get bullied by neighbouring countries. Everybody gets a chance at employment and is able to put food on the table for himself, herself and the family, because of the stability our country has.
Paying tribute to him on this day is not about being blindly sentimental. But because, today also serves to remind all of us Singaporeans not to be complacent and improvident. If Mr Lee Kuan Yew had been so, the whole nation would have followed suit, and we would have never gained independence, but instead, remained at the mercy of our neighbouring country.

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