有無信仰者的榜樣A Role Model For Both The Pious & The Faithless
新加坡居士林的林長,李木源居士,與吾師曾在本地有一面之缘。吾師在祂書中如此形容他: 這位居士五官端正,有「正義感」,是一位「敦厚」的修行人。
Photo credit: Singapore Literature Society
For Buddhism to thrive and flourish, the Sangha and the Kulapati play very important roles. The Sangha is vital in preserving and propagating the authentic teachings of the Buddha while the Kulapati, the lay Buddhist cultivators, uphold the Dharma. However, in today’s society, it is as rare as a Phoenix’s feather or the horn of the mythical creature “Qi Lin”, to find a person, who is willing to commit his or her life to the Triple Gems of Buddhism and continuously bring benefits to sentient beings in the six realms.
Mr Lee Bock Guan, the President of The Singapore Buddhist Lodge and a lay Buddhist cultivator, had the affinity to meet my Guru Master once. In one of His books, my Guru Master described Mr Lee as a man of proportionate facial features, with a sense of righteousness and is a gentle and honest spiritual cultivator.
And indeed, I do see an aura of virtuous and meritorious light exuding from Mr Lee Bock Guan. How amazing his spiritual cultivation is!
For the past 40 over years in Singapore, Mr Lee Bock Guan had contributed immensely to the growth of Buddhism as well as racial harmony in our multi-racial society. From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful to him for the precious lessons he demonstrated through his life’s work. These lessons are all fine examples for us, the lay Buddhist cultivators and fellow devotees, to live by.
Mr Lee Bock Guan bade farewell to the world on the 29th of August, 3:25am.
I pray to my Root Guru Master, Living Buddha Lian Sheng, that Mr Lee Bock Guan will have a smooth rebirth into the Pure Land of Eternal Bliss. Amitabha.
《星期二特写》: 李木源 – 新加坡佛教居士林
Tuesday’s Report: Mr Lee Bock Guan of Singapore Buddhist Lodge