玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


2004年的預言,9年後應驗A Prediction Made in 2004 Came True 9 Years Later


近年來,我為好些客人看風水或批命時,說到孩子會有幾個或幾時來,都得到印證。 這對渴望孩子的夫婦來説是好消息! 對於沒打算要添丁的夫婦,記得要做好防範措施。 千萬不可墮胎!




Last year, a long-time client engaged the service of Master Dai Hu and told him that the prediction made by Master Dai Hu 9 years ago came true after all.

In recent years, Master Dai Hu’s forecasts for clients on how many children they will have or when the next child will arrive have been seeing fruition. This is good news for couples who have been wanting a baby. On the other hand, if you do not have plans for a baby, please take necessary precaution. Do not abort, no matter what!

Thank you to Chong Han for his gracious willingness to share his & his wife’s experience!

(For privacy reasons, the client’s email has been ‘mosaic-ed’.)

ChongHan testament

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