八字輕的人A Person With Light Bazi
Have you ever heard of the terms “light Bazi”, “yin Bazi”, or “low Bazi”? (Bazi : birth chart of a person) If you have not heard before, it does not matter as Master Dai Hu is here to tell you the facts so that you can benefit yourself and others in the future, and in the process, accumulate merits and reduce your karmic obstacles. That would be great too!
The first thing to decipher in a Bazi analysis is the strength of the person’s yang energy in the Bazi. If the yang energy is weak and the yin energy is strong, the master doing the analysis better be upfront with the client, and teach him or her methods to strengthen the yang energy. If not, their first meeting might turn out to be their last. Ha ha ha!
When the yang energy is not strong, the Bazi is regarded as light, low or yin in nature. A person with such a Bazi would find it hard to be prosperous in life. He or she would be listless all day, and when you stop interacting with him or her for a short while, his or her Yin soul would have left the body. This is a dangerous situation as when the Yin soul is away, the external spirits can easily invade the physical body and consume his or her Yang energy. When all the Yang energy has been “offered” to the random spirits, the person would die. Alas, another wasted trip this life and another cycle of rebirth in the six realms of existence. How pitiful!
A person with weak yang energy is equivalent to having a weak Bazi. Such a person often face difficulties when chasing after success in their career and wealth. He is unable to get job promotions, or a high job stature, etc. Also, this person is unable to accumulate wealth. Even if he is able to get the money into his or pocket, it does not take long for the money to slip away from his fingers. When facing critical conditions or challenges,he or she has a high probability to perish.
A person with a weak Bazi is perpetually yin and easily affected by baleful spiritual influence. A few words of advice: firstly, refrain from participating in funeral processions. Secondly, avoid attending funeral wakes, but do offer words of comfort and condolence monies to the bereaved family. Thirdly, do not visit the residence of bereaved family. Fourthly, do not consume any food at the funeral wake. Last but not least, avoid places like beaches, forests, hospitals, etc.

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