霧鎖南洋A Foggy Singapore
Observing the weather has been my habit for many years. Sometimes I do it in the daytime, sometimes I do it at night. In fact, not only do I observe the weather patterns, I am able to gauge the purity of the air through my sense of smell. Frankly, I do not know about the observation skills and level of acuity in the sense of smell of other people, but I had honed these 2 senses of mine over many years and has became very astonishingly accurate. Take for example, last year, I told several of my students that 2014 (Year of Wooden Horse) and 2015 (Year of Wooden Goat) would witness the haze engulfing the country. When I returned from overseas earlier this year, a strange smell greeted me as I stepped out from the car, and I immediately knew that the haze has came. We will have to wait till the 9th Lunar Month is over before our country can rid herself of this haze issue.
Luo Han Guo (or the siraitia grosvenorii), watermelon, almond and coconut are the few foods we can consume to safeguard against the harm caused to our bodies by the polluted air. Of course, having an air purifier at home is definitely necessary. As I write my last sentence for this post, here’s a reminder for everyone to wear a white-coloured face mask, or at least have the white-coloured part facing externally. Don’t forget!