心靈的餐宴A Feast For The Soul
A healthy physical body is crucial to your spiritual practice. It is equally important and necessary, even if you have no fortune to engage in spiritual cultivation. The keys to a healthy body lies in the purity of your speech, action and thoughts, as well as having a minimalist mindset. The sum of these two factors equates to internal and external cultivation. The succinct wisdom and nuances involved can only be imparted by an accomplished master, one whom walked the path before us and fully capable to guide us down the path of Light, avoiding all ambushes and obstacles.
The real patient is…
Before I learnt the Dharma, my definition of a sick person is one who is lying in the hospital or ailing in bed at home. I would not consider myself a sick person if I don’t fall into the above definitions. I realized later on in life that I was wrong. Before I delved deep into Buddhist teachings, my definition of disability only included people on wheelchairs, clutches, people who are blind, deaf or mute, etc. I was dead wrong on this too. If you are a true disciple of the Buddha, you will know that the Dharma is the cure for the 84,000 ailments of the sentient beings!
Although all good feasts must come to an end, the main idea of a feast is to host all guests with full sincerity and hospitality! Therefore, I gladly spared the time, amidst my busy schedule, and conduct Dinner and Tea Sessions to impart the ways of calming your own inner state, to align to the frequency of complete ease, stability and gentle joy. Do you know the Buddha says that all phenomena arise from your mind alone? This phrase is actually the most critical secret formula. As long as all sentient beings adhere to this compassionate secret formula given by the Buddha and practice diligently everyday, they are bound to break free from all afflictions and attain great eternal bliss.
where can you find medicine for the soul?
You can seek medical help from a doctor if you are physically ill. However, if your mind falls sick, you need to seek heart medicine from the Buddha. Think about it, who is free from the afflictions of greed, lust, ignorance, hatred, jealously, etc? Lord Buddha would not have to part 84,000 Dharma practices if sentient beings are not suffering from 84,000 afflictions. Now that I am bestowed with the Dharma, how could I not propagate Buddha’s teachings and bring benefits to all sentient beings? I will be letting my Root Guru Master, the Great Sage Lord Buddha and the rest of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas down, if I do not. If you are looking for a way to liberate yourself from the troubles and sufferings of birth and death, please join me at the Feast for the Soul, where delectable dishes of wisdom will be served. You will enjoy the memorable experience so much that you entertain no thought of leaving. Welcome to the table!