醫者父母心A doctor must treat his patients like his children
「醫者父母心」 ,是吾幼時就聽過,也「心悅誠服」的一句話。近年,這句
“A physician treats his patients like his own children” is a phrase I have heard and gladly agreed to since young. In recent years, this phrase surfaced occasionally in my consciousness. I did not dwell on it much because my late father was a physician, thus logically and genetically, this trait should pass on to at least one of his offsprings. I guess that would be me. Since young, I was fond of extending help to others readily, and often dreamt of travelling the world healing people and become a carefree physician. I still look forward to fulfilling this dream of mine and hope to implement my knowledge in Dharma propagation, for the benefit of all sentient beings I have affinity with.
Very few people are aware that I am a physician in my own right because I built my name from Chinese Metaphysics and Dharma propagation. In recent years, I only divulged my “physician” identity to a few clients. As a matter of fact, I have healed people with cancer, tumours, skin diseases, insomnia, bone aches, flu, fever and nose sensitivity problems etc. I welcome all with such problems to seek my help. With the exception of the person with a ‘sensitive heart’. If such a person approaches me for medical advice, my prescription will be “The person who tied the knot needs to unravel the knot himself.”. Clean up the trash from the heart daily and do not set obstacles for yourself. Do not deprive yourself a way out. Do not take your own life. If not, you will either die from your own trash or your own afflictions. Please do not be a human being with the wisdom and intelligence lower than that of an animal.
“A physician treats his patients like his own children” is not a difficult concept to comprehend. But alas, there are many doctors out there without this trait and that is saddening. Aren’t you afraid of the vicious cycle of karma? If you need more understanding on this, Master Dai Hu is here to teach you at no charge.
To heal is to remove the pain and sufferings of patients. The Buddha said that sickness is one of the worst sufferings in the human realm. A physician cannot turn a patient away because he is penniless. On the same note, the physician cannot demand an exorbitant amount because his patient is extremely wealthy. He should also not judge his patients by their appearance nor have any ulterior motive in the relationship. If you fulfill these criteria, you will be a good healer, one that will treat your patients like they are your own children.