一夜夫妻百日恩A Day Together as Husband and Wife, Endless Devotion For Life
I, Master Dai Hu, have seen many loving and devoted married couples, as well as a fair share of couples with mixed fortunes in their marriages. Regardless of their level of devotion, love or compatibility with each other, it all boils down to the affinity between them. Are you not aware that a married couple was once enemies with each other 500 years ago? Thus there is this phrase “May all lovers in this world be united in wedlock”. However, it is rare to find a harmonious couple that can last a hundred years. Therefore, it is wise to resolve any enmity and not create new ones. There is no need to break out into a war and hurt others!
After analyzing countless birth charts, there are indeed many cases where the danger signs to a marriage as well as to your partner are hidden. Why would there be so many danger signs? You must know that for every effect, there is always a cause, and vice versa. These danger signs were the effects of the negative causes that you have created in the past. A person with true wisdom will have clarity of this Law of Cause and Effect, and work hard in his or her present life to improve the situation and achieve harmony in the family soonest.
Master Dai Hu tells everyone truthfully that these affinities, negative ones I should say, accumulated over numerous lifetimes culminate in the disharmony in your relationships this lifetime. The instances of slandering, enmity, deceit and hurt gives you the opportunity to resolve them and not have them happen again and again. Once resolved, none of you will be entangled in this endless noise of samsara (cycle of births and deaths), but instead, you will be reborn in the Pure Land, where all is pure, happiness, bliss and abundance. There will be no sorrow, enmity, discord, pain and sufferings. Only laughter, prosperity and eternal happiness.
A husband and wife must be true towards each other and treat each other well. They must remember that a day together as husband and wife means endless devotion to each other for the rest of their lives. Always be thankful and grateful for each other. In this way, how will the ‘vixen’ or third party have any chance to come between both of you? If you are still at your wit’s end, Master Dai Hu welcomes you to send your partner to my training class to learn my teachings of love, patience and wisdom, and bring back the bliss and happiness to your personal and family life.