普天同慶的一天A Day of Universal Celebration
今天,農曆五月十八日,是吾根本傳承上師聖尊蓮生法王的七十一嵗佛誕,是個普天同慶的日子。 沒有多少人和事適合用普天同慶這形容詞,就算妳你是一個大公司的總裁或大國家總統,妳你的生日也無法說是普天同慶的一天。吾個人認爲一定要是個利益人天的人,才能夠配用這句話,而偉大的聖尊蓮生法王絕對配得起。
在這普天同慶的日子裡,祝願根本傳承上蓮生法王佛誕快樂,佛體安康。 願一切大小病痛不臨祂身,縱然有,希望能很快痊愈。祈願祂長住世間,恒轉法輪,一切度眾的事業吉祥如意圓滿。阿彌陀佛。
Today, the Eighteenth Day of the Fifth Lunar Month, is the birthday of my Root Guru Master, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng, a day of joyous celebration for all disciples worldwide. Not many people or occasions command such a degree of joy and celebration worldwide. Even if you are the CEO of a big company or the President of a great nation, that does not qualify your birthday as a day of worldwide jubilation and celebration. His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng, who has brought immense salvation to sentient beings in the six realms, absolutely deserves this honour.
Just a while ago, His Holiness had a very bad cough that refused to go away. Despite that, He continued His weekly Dharma discourse, with the sole purpose of awakening the Buddha nature in sentient beings. It is all because of Him, that the Han people living outside of Tibet, like us, are able to practice a complete set of Tantric practice and have the great Dharma affinity to be liberated from the six realms of existence.
On this joyous day, I wish my Root Guru Master Living Buddha Lian Sheng a Happy 71st Birthday. May He enjoy good health and longevity. It is my wish that He will not suffer from any illness and pain, big or small, and should it happen, may He recovers speedily. I pray that He will abide in this Saha world and continously turn the wheel of Dharma. May His mission of delivering all sentient beings be successfully completed. Amitabha.

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