孩子八字 Children Birth Chart Analysis
每個孩子都有自己的天命,因爲八字不 同,所以沒有一個孩子是一樣的。就算是雙胞胎,也不一定會有相同的命運。有些父母罵孩子時,會說:“為什麽你不能像哥哥一樣 用功?”,“為什麽你彈鋼琴不能像妹妹一樣厲害?”
可見就算是同一對父母生的,孩子也不會有一模一樣的性格和 才華。孩子是深受父母的影響,爸爸的一句無心的話會影響他們的自尊,媽媽不知覺地皺眉頭也會讓他們難過。父母一個錯 誤的決定也會埋沒了孩子的天賦,讓孩子「有志難伸」。
科學研究已證明0-3嵗是孩子的關鍵學習時期,這人生的首三年能決定孩子未來的 性格。西方的教學是通過心理測驗及孩子的才能表現,來了解孩子的性格及職業去向。但它無法在嬰兒時期就為父母找出最 適合孩子的育兒方法。我們中國祖先所留下的千年智慧結晶,八字命理學,卻有這樣的優勢。要讓一個孩子健康快樂地成 長,將來成爲一個積極、有用和樂觀的人,除了採用正面的教育,也必須運用「八字命理」這門學問。
孩子一出生時,父母就應該 請一位有真本領的命理師父分析孩子的命盤。從命盤中,父母能提早掌握孩子的性格特質,了解她他的喜好、潛能、才藝、未來的發展去 向,便能因材施教,依據孩子的學習特性,給予正確的教導,達到事半功倍的效 果。這不但能大大減少父母所耗的時間、精力和金錢,也能讓孩子更快樂自在,有自信。父母和孩子的相處就能少些摩擦, 彼此多些成就感,親子關係無疑會升溫!
愛護孩子不是只有買最好最 貴的給他們,而是能夠幫助他們贏在人生的起跑點!
Do not lose at the starting point
Every child has his or her own destiny, as depicted by their own different birth chart (bazi). Therefore, no child is the same. Even if they were born as twins, the two children might not share exactly the same fate. Some parents would chide the child, “Why can’t you be as hardworking as your elder brother?” or “Why can’t you play the piano as well as your younger sister?”.
It is thus obvious that even from the same parents, each child differs from another in terms of characters and talents. Children is heavily influenced by their parents. Careless words from the father may unwittingly hurt the self-esteem of the child. A knitted brow from the mother may sadden the children too. Any wrong decision made by the parents will bury a child’s talents, stunting his or her growth and potential.
Scientific studies have shown that the first 3 years of a child’s life are crucial for his or her learning development. This 3-year period shall determine the future character development of the child. Western educators use psychological tests to determine a child’s character and future career inclination. However, the West is unable to assist parents determine the most suitable childhood learning technique for their newborns. In the East, our Chinese ancestors from a thousand years ago left us a legacy, the Chinese Metaphysics art of Birth Chart Analysis, which gave us the edge. Apart from the conventional education, It is necessary to employ this Art to raise a healthy and happy child, transforming him or her into a positive, useful and optimistic person.
As soon as the child is born, the parents ought to engage an accomplished master who is well versed to provide a complete and detailed analysis of the child’s birth chart. From this analysis, the parents would gain advanced information on the special qualities of their child, understand the likings, potential, talents and future inclinations. They can then guide the child to walk the path of least resistance, utilizing his or her strengths to apply the right teachings. This would surely improve the yield of your efforts as parents, and save you time, energy and money. In this way, your child will grow up confidently and with no undue stress. Relationship between the parents and child will be warm as there would be less clashes in the growing up years.
Loving your child does not just mean buying the best and most expensive things for them. It is able helping him or her gain a competitive advantage at the starting block!