The Face That Changes Silently 悄然改變的臉
I vaguely remember the lyrics of a song that goes something like this. “The face of the moon is secretly changing, the face of the moon is secretly changing.” Well, the face of the moon is not changing, it is the heart of man that changes.
There is this koan: A Zen Master was outdoors with his disciple when the Master suddenly asked his disciple, “What do you see when you raise your head?”
The disciple lifted his head and took a look.
“Just a few clouds”, came the reply.
“What are the clouds doing?”the Zen Master probed.
“The clouds are floating along”, the disciple answered.
Upon hearing it, the Zen Master knocked on the disciple’s head, and had him withering in pain, clueless at what he did wrong.
“Are the clouds still there?”, the Master asked.
This disciple confidently replied that the clouds had passed. But he still could not escape the sharp beating from his Master! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Afflictions robs your beauty
I shared the above koan to remind everybody not to allow our mind to be influenced by our surroundings. Those who fall into this trap are yet to be awakened, and still a mortal being. A mortal will experience sufferings and afflictions, and can never enjoy purity and bliss. All things with form stems from the heart. If you always wish for a beautiful, joyful and regal looking face, look deep into your heart to see if you are truly kind. And it must be kindness in every moment of thought. If you follow my teachings 100% consistently, I can guarantee that in the near future, you will have a face which others will find it hard to resist.
I discovered that those who came to see me, or learn from me, be it my clients or my students, experienced a marked improvement in their facial aura within an hour of being with me. The aura changes from dullness to radiance with rosiness. I had realised this situation many years ago. In recent months, a middle-aged Mother was learning the Dharma from me and I told her about this phenomenon. She did not fully believe me, thus I invited her to do an experiment. That is, every time before she arrived to see me, she shall go and have a good look at her face in the mirror. She will repeat the same action after an hour or so after being with me. I would ask her if she is satisfied with her facial aura after seeing me. It’s a resounding yes every single time. I did more of such experiments with others afree her as well.
The Secret to an Irresistible Face
For those sentient beings with whom I have yet to have the affinity, allow me to impart a very simple way to improve your looks. This simple method which you apply everyday is to recite the Buddha’s name, like Namo Amithaba, Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, Namo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa, Namo Di Zang Wang Pu Sa, etc. Recite it with full sincerity and refrain from doing it in your bedroom or on your bed. Sit upright on a chanting cushion or a chair with both your palms together. One fine day, when you chance upon your reflection in the mirror, you will rejoice in happiness with what you see, because your face has been silently changing all these while.