2018 Celebration of Heavenly Jade Emperor's Holy Birthday戊戌年慶賀天公誕
今年焚化地點與去年的活動地點,有所不同。師父向出席者們說, 今天的地點比去年更佳。師父進而分析這地點主步步高升、貴人環繞、收入節節上升。
At 11pm on 23 February 2018, Master Dai Hu led his disciples and readers to pay homage to the Heavenly Jade Emperor, celebrating his Holy Birthday.
Master Dai Hu said: One becomes superstitious, if he or she is clueless about what they are doing or praying to. Therefore, it is necessary to know the background of the particular Deity you are praying to.
Namo Heavenly Jade Emperor, or Heavenly Grandfather or Jade Emperor, is the Master of the Thirty Three Heavenly Realms. All the rulers on this Earth are under His jurisdiction. He can bestow upon you all your desires for wealth, good looks, descendants, career, fame, properties, marriage, academic success, etc. This also explains these four Chinese characters, 天宮賜福 (loosely translated as “Heaven bestows fortunes”) inscribed on the tablet for the Heavenly Jade Emperor.
The location of this year’s fire offering was different from the last, with the chosen spot this year being more auspicious. Master Dai Hu went on to analyse that this location signified progress in career, wealth and constantly being surrounded by benefactors.
Before the actual commencement of the rites, Master Dai Hu explained the significance of the different offerings. He also lectured one participants for the meagre offerings he prepared. Master explained to him that his current plight was due to insufficient merits from his past lives, therefore if he did not start accumulating merits now, his financial future would not be rosy.
After invocation and the fire started, everyone began burning their own offerings. The fire was fierce, and Master Dai Hu witnessed the spiralling of the flames, like a dance of the Dragon and the Phoenix. He explained that this signified the presence of the Heavenly Jade Emperor and His empowerment, and that the offerings from everyone are being sent to Him.
Later on, Master Dai Hu gave the particpant, with meagre offerings, some of his joss paper. When the participant thanked Master, Master advised,
“I gave you in hope that when you have more resources in the future, you will pay it forward by contributing to your own parents, the society, and even all sentient beings. ”
That night, Master Dai Hu imparted many secret formulas to making the offerings. Through his guidance, the wishes of the participants would surely reach the Heavens and, according to their individual merits, be realised.
The 3 participants who came for the same event last year experienced an increased in their wealth, and positive turning points in their careers.
As the event drew to an end, Master Dai Hu saw 2 families nearby, about to burn their offerings on the grass patch. Master Dai Hu asked 2 male participants if they were willing to go over and advised the 2 families not to destroy public properties, hurting the fauna and small insects on the grass patch.
One male participant asked Master, “Would I get beaten up?”
Master laughed, “We will be the first to run if it happens.”
Two of them then went forth and advised the 2 families not to burn their offerings on the grass patch, even going an extra mile, by directing them to the empty burner bin nearby.
Master praised them for the good work and explained that heavenly gods’ characters are above those of men, hence, they are deities.
Burning the offerings on the ground not only burdens the cleaners with more work, but also goes against the law of Nature.
Why do some people see no improvement in their lives, despite religiously making offerings to the Heavenly Jade Emperor year after year? It is due to their non-virtuous and immoral behaviour.
The Heaven cares for every living thing. How would He be happy to see us to destroy the environment, in order to receive His offerings?
When advised by others not to commit a wrong, instead of being grateful, the person gets upset, and resorts to beating up other people of good intentions, would the Heavenly Jade Emperor still bestow fortune upon him?
Everyone can exercise their wisdom, to think about this.
The Dharma sister, who witnessed all these, also sang praises of the male particpants, “Your gesture may please the Heavenly Jade Emperor, on a greater scale than the burning of your paper offerings, bringing you more merits.”
Man must open up his heart more. The bigger your heart is, the greater the fortunes Heavenly Jade Emperor can bestow upon you.