12日臺灣之行12 Days in Taiwan
身為堪輿師,大家該知道,必須得割福給衆生。 這一次經由佛菩薩巧妙地安排我能夠去臺灣朝聖, 再次地過濾跟添加福份,回來再繼續利益眾生。
也感恩隨行的學生們充當我的導遊, 希望他們能夠記牢我這12日内所教導的風水與佛法。能夠
It was a very meaningful Chinese New Year as I went to Taiwan on a pilgrimage trip, accumulating merits and forming many positive affinities with others.
As a practicing Feng Shui master, I have to be able to dispense good fortune to the sentient beings continuously. This pilgrimage trip to Taiwan was made possible with divine intervention, giving me the blessed opportunity to ‘detox’ and gather more merits for my lifelong pursuit to benefit all sentient beings.
My gratitude also goes to my students, who acted as my tour guides! It’s my ardent wish that they absorb my teachings of Geomancy and Buddhism wholeheartedly. After all, it is no easy circumstance, needing a great amount of merits, that they can learn from me at such close proximity for 12 days straight. Let it not go to waste!

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