以茶會友(十): 學佛修行不出岔子10th Tea Session With Master Dai Hu: How Not To Go Wrong In Your Spiritual Cultivation
一、 學佛應該從何起?
二、 怎樣唸佛持咒才有用。
三、 學佛怎麼會變成學魔?
四、 如何看出自己或他人已著魔?
五、 怎麼樣才不會變成魔的點心?
六、 如果已入魔,應該怎麼做?
七、 現代人該當如何修行?
八、 佛法無邊是真實否?
Melt – The World Cafe, Mandarin Oriental
有興趣學習者,請發短訊聯絡吾的助理: +65 90212098,以便留位。

Recently, a Dharma sister of the same lineage as I came to look for me. I was shocked when I saw her. There was an aura of negative energy surrounding her. I thought to myself, “This is bad! How did she land herself in such predicament in the path of learning the Dharma?” When she used to learn the Dharma from me in the past, she was always pristine and radiant. What had happened to her? Not only has she became thin and undernourished, her face has an aura of dark energy. This is an ominous sign.
She told me that her appetite has not been well. This is one of the signs that her spiritual cultivation has gone awry, and goes to show that many people out there has insufficient knowledge on spiritual cultivation.
During the Lunar New Year Dinner Session, I spoke about the Grand Duke of Jupiter this year is an avid advocate for performing kind deeds and education. Therefore, all of us should also do more of such meaningful deeds, to benefit ourselves and others as well as sentient beings from other realms. There is no selfish personal gain involved, only bringing immense good for our family and ancestors, our karmic debtors, fetal spirits, etc.
Fans and readers who genuinely wish to learn the Dharma are in luck!
The ocean of Buddhadharma is vast and boundless. Many who tried to learn often lament that it is too profound to grasp. It is not possible for me to explain it all in just tea session. Hence, I will be conducting a series of talks, to expound on the order and sequence of learning the Dharma and spiritual practice.
Tea Session Topics:
1. Where should you begin in the journey of learning Dharma?
2. How should you recite the mantras and sutras, for maximum effect?
3. How can learning the Dharma become learning the ways of Mara (demon) instead?
4. How can you tell if others or yourself has already plunged into the realm of the Mara?
5. How can you protect yourself against Mara?
6. What should you do to get yourself back onto the Right Path?
7. How to incorporate spiritual practice in your modern day living
8. Is it true that the powers of the Buddha are unlimited and boundless?
And many more. I will be explaining each topic at the Tea Session this Thursday.
If you encounter any difficulty or doubt in your journey of learning the Dharma, I welcome you to come forth and seek my advice. Let me show you the light of clarity.
Or if you are at the crossroad, unsure which religion is best for you, please also come for this Tea Session to gain more understanding into Buddhism. An informed person makes the best life decisions.
Date & Time:
17 March 2016, Thursday, 8pm-1030pm
Melt – The World Cafe, Mandarin Oriental
For those keen in learning, kindly send a text message to my assistant at +65 90212098 to reserve your seat.
As it is Master Dai Hu’s wish to keep the session personal, seats will be limited.
Meals and drinks will be at your own expense. There will be no other charges for this event. Master Dai Hu welcomes participants, who are eager to learn and willing to put in the effort to expand their spiritual consciousness. Do register early to avoid disappointment!