純手工製造100% Hand-Crafted
寫篇文章,需約一個半到兩小時。完成後, 交由弟子翻譯、處理照片配合文章,再上傳於臉書。吾對弟子的要求也是很高,絕不允許他她們馬馬虎虎了事。所以,您所讀到的文章也需幕後團隊5-6小時的工作才能“公諸於世”。
In tailoring a new name for my clients, I rack my brain to craft the perfect names and write them down on paper.
Likewise when I analyse the birth charts of my clients, it is with the traditional pen and paper that I lay out the four pillars and the luck pillars
The articles you read here are my collection of thoughts, realizations and knowledge, written when I can take some time off work. I wish to share them with all readers who passed by this little space of mine.
I do not use the computer to do work on my behalf. It is just me and my trusty black pen to trek through the world!
Just a few days ago, a Facebook fan asked why there was sometimes a long lapse between my posts. She told me that reading my articles on Facebook helped to alleviate the worries and vexation she felt inside her.
My sincere apologies. A large part of my time is spent on my work and teaching commitments, not to mention that I always insist on the highest standard when it comes to my ‘hand-crafted ‘ products, be it a new name or a birth chart analysis, thus the occasional delay in updates.
It takes about one and a half to two hours to write one article. I pen them on paper before giving them to my disciples to do the translation and photo sorting, prior to uploading the articles on my Facebook page. I set high standards for my disciples to meet and do not allow slipshod work from them. In total, my ‘production team’ and I take about 5-6 hours to work on one article before it goes public.
I am truly glad if my articles give you new insights and perspectives in life, and more importantly, motivate you to turn over a new leaf!
No flower will bloom forever. Although we may not have the affinity to meet, I welcome you to visit my Facebook page and read my articles. If you have read them before, read them again for you will certainly gain new insights. Sharing my articles with your friends and family is definitely welcomed. Together let us bring more light to those who in need!