電梯受困記Being trapped in the elevator
我與學生們進入電梯時,忽心血來潮,問弟子: “這電梯安全嗎?”
弟子回應: “我每次搭這電梯,都ok啊!“
想想,這或許也是我的因果報應吧! 小時候,較頑皮,喜歡和一群朋友玩電梯,朋友會把電梯内
The day before, on my way for a Feng Shui audit at an industrial building, I got trapped for the first time in a freight elevator.
As I entered the elevator with my students, I had a sudden intuition and asked my disciple, “Is this lift safe?”
My disciple replied, “I take this lift every time and it works fine!”
The lift doors shut and with a sudden jerk, the power supply tripped and we were thrown into complete darkness.
Feelings of helplessness and impermanence arose in me.
I asked my students, “If we are to meet with a mishap and have to take our last breath today, what’s there left of our so-called wealth, property, fame and personal grudges? Your family, your looks and long hair that you are so proud of, your savings, will those still be yours?”
In this mortal world, what is there to fight about?
Faced with the impermanence & fragility of life, spiritual cultivation must begin early. If we do not repent for our past sins in time, should we land in the darkness of Hell, our eyes will never see the bright sunlight, our ears will only hear horrifying screams of terror and our bodies will undergo torturous punishment. It will be too late by then!
Looking back, this is probably my retribution too. I was quite mischievous as a kid. My friends and I would often play with the elevators. The taller one would turn off the fluorescent light tubes in the lift and amidst the darkness, a bunch of us would be screaming and shouting in mock terror. How juvenile & ignorant we were then! The law of cause & effect truly exist and we should not be denying it.
We were trapped in the elevator for a good 45 minutes. Just as we felt slight difficulty in breathing, the technician arrived in time to pry open the lift doors, rescuing the 3 of us. It was with much gratitude as I stepped out into the warmth of sunlight. How good it will be if the brilliance of sunshine is omnipresent in the heart of every person and darkness shall never invade!
Thank you to my client, Mr Low and the building management for their assistance! And another big thank you to the electrician who rescued us!