辦公司的風水Feng Shui of an office
When a person is in luck, the job he does, the food he consumes, the things he use and the clothes he wears are all to his favour.
On the other hand, when a person is to begin his cycle of bad luck, the job he does, the food he consumes, the things he use and the clothes he wears are all against his favour. Even his seat location in the office is wrong!
The Feng Shui of a residence and the office are equally crucial. One is the resting place for daily rejuvenation of at least 8 hours while the other is the battlefield of challenges for a good 8 hours daily. When the Feng Shui of both places are set right, you will be nourished with its positive effects and always be in a tip top condition for life.
Do not undermine and misjudge the power of geomancy. Deeming it as pure superstition without thorough research is true superstition indeed.