Colour Palette調色板 ?
其實人的開始本是空,百年歸去亦是空。那百年人生的過程,又怎麼說?這麼多的見聞覺知,如:精神上的打壓,身心的創傷等等,怎麼可能是空呢?吾,玳瑚師父,實實在在的告訴妳你,那也是空。難道妳你沒聽說過:人生如夢,夢如人生,這句話嗎?無論我們在夢裡的夢境,如何的好,如何的壞 ,夢醒後自知,那祇是夢一場,一場夢,始終歸爲空。妳你若要妳你百年人生美麗快樂,妳你就要永遠記得,作畫時的調色板,積極用心的調出絢麗的人生佳畫。
Unknowingly over the years, I have transformed, from a clueless young man to an accomplished master full of ideas. This entire journey took me through the depths of hope, anxiety, hopelessness, defeat, etc, before I finally emerged as a virtuous master sought after by many to solve their woes and sufferings and point them in the right direction. Ha ha ha!
This is also the necessary path taken by a mortal being enroute to attaining Enlightenment. This is also the only path that delivers you from sufferings to eternal bliss, with no exception for anybody. This is why I always advise sentient beings to commence their spiritual cultivation early.
Life throws at us unpleasant situations more often than not. That is because in our many past rebirths, we accumulated countless “entanglements”, and as a result, we suffer the consequences of our past actions. You cannot really blame anyone else for this. Should you understand this concept, you shall begin to gain acceptance of your own destiny.
In the future, virtuous masters will come into your life to impart you the wisdom to clear these “struggles” and reveal your true nature. What is your true nature? Definitely not a non-human (ghost)! (Laughs) It is your pure and untainted Buddha Nature. Do you understand? If you don’t, please don’t stop analysing it. Remember this, failure is the Mother of all success.
If you feel that your intellect is low, do not worry. There are eighty four thousand different forms of Dharma practices to address the eighty four thousand different kinds of sufferings of the sentient beings.
But let me illustrate the above concept, with the one tool an artist uses to prepare before he starts a piece of art: the colour palette. I am sure everyone of you will find it easier to gain a tacit understanding. The Buddha said it spot on, the sufferings of an ordinary mortal and the cultivation of a spiritual practitioner hang on one word: Blend.
Please don’t say you know it, for if you really understood, your face will not speak of sorrow and despair. Therefore, it is a major knowledge how to apply this word “Blend” into our daily life.
The truth is, a person begins his life with nothing, and shall leave this world with nothing too in a hundred years’ time. But what about this 100-year journey of life? Having experienced so much sights, sounds, emotions and knowing, such as the mental afflictions, emotional pain and physical suffering etc, how can it be emptiness?
Master Dai Hu honestly tells you that it all comes to nothing at the end. Haven’t you heard of the phrase “Life is like a dream”? Regardless of our dream state, be it a bad or good dream, it will burst like a bubble when we awake. A dream that culminates to nothing in the end. If you wish to paint a beautiful and joyful journey of life, please always remember to diligently use your heart and concoct a color palette, that blends in magnificent colours for your life masterpiece.