35th Learning Session: Prosperity During Ghosts' Festival第35場回顧:鬼節也興旺餐會
二、 個人禮貌不好,不能把責任推給家人。
三、學東西,不要先「疑」,會障礙了自己,學不到第二部份。倒不如好好地去研究,展示學者的風範 – 恆心、耐力和公正。
五、 爲什麼地藏王菩薩常常被世人誤解?
七、 爲什麼農曆七月有拜祭好兄弟?
• 站立和坐著的佛菩薩,區別之處。
• 坐飛機時,出席者們應該如何以這法相卡保護自己
• 修地藏王菩薩的法,爲何對祖先有利益?
Master Dai Hu held his 35th Meal Session on 13 August 2017, imparting knowledge on how the participants can, in this Seventh Lunar Month, increase their merits and wisdom to greatly empower themselves to eradicate any obstacles in their family, career, health, business, etc.
At the start of the session, Master said we must all be grateful to our peaceful and prosperous country, Singapore, that we can live in comfort and security, and receive teachings from learned masters.
There are 2 types of people who can alter their fate: One who is of great virtues, the other who is of great evil.
You can fight for your career only if you have a healthy body.
What you learn externally are needed for your survival in today’s society.
Humans often put self-interest in front of everything else, and will discard all morals.
The houses nowadays are built poorly in terms of Feng Shui, thus children today tends to rebut their parents.
As children, we should not bring shame to our parents. Living righteously is virtuous.
Highlights of the session:
1. Master Dai Hu asked everyone where do they think the wealthy people in this world came from?
2. Do not blame your family for your own poor mannerism.
3. You should not let doubt be the obstacle in your learning journey. Why not delve deep into the subject matter, exhibit the flair of a real learned person – Patience and Just.
4. Master introduced the 4 Great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism.
5. Why is the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva often misunderstood by us?
6. Master expounded the 10 benefits of making offerings to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva at home, in the Sutra of The Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.
7. Why is there this custom of praying to the spirits in the Seventh Lunar Month?
8. How do we make offering to the spirits? What kind of offerings should we prepare?
9. If you make offerings to your ancestor at your home altar, should you first ‘notify’ the Jade Emperor and the Door God outside?
10. How can we tell, by looking at the face of a deceased family member, his next realm of reincarnation?
11. Master asked all participants: “Is it better to be superstitious or a total disbeliever?”.
12. There will be family harmony if there is less spiritual disturbance at home. Likewise, the opposite is true.
13. What type of a Buddha pendant is the most powerful?
14. Money do not fall from the sky if you hide in your home whole day.
15. How can we increase the protective energies in our home to prevent spiritual disturbance?
16. Our ancestral spirits are always behind us, so how can we strengthen their protective energies over us?
17. Which birth month leads to a Bazi of weak Yin energy, and hence weak elemental strength?
18. When the waiter served a carrot cake to the table, Master remarked that the cake decor resembled a satellite, that can receive the energies from the Universe. He added that the person who was eating it will soon gain more fame and wealth.
What is our reason for living? Isn’t it to have a good and happy life? But are you happy now? If not everything is going your way, did you ask yourself why?
We ought to ask ourselves, “How can I get out of my current sufferings?”.
Sin arises from the heart, so should repentance.
After the meal session ended, 2 lady participants asked Master for his autograph on his book, titled “Towards Kindness Towards Betterment”. Master saw that one lady wrapped the book in a protective plastic cover, and commended her that this act of protecting a virtuous book itself is a merit.
After the book signing, Master gifted each participant a small Thangka of the the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. He has kept these items for many years, and waiting to give them to people with whom he has affinity. These gifts complemented the Bazi of the participants, and shall offer protection to them every hour of the day.
Master explained:
– The difference between a Bodhisattva depicted in a standing form, and one depicted in a sitting form.
– How can one use the Thangka to protect oneself when on board a plane?
– Why does cultivating the sadhana of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva benefits our ancestors?
Upgrade your own moral conduct in the limited time you have in this life. Even if you do not attain Buddhahood this time, you will at least be better equipped with resources to do so in the next life. Therefore, we should start sowing the seeds for the harvest in our further lifetimes.
You will live to regret at old age if you do not strive hard now.