34th Recap: Discovering the World of Spirits第34場回顧:知己知靈,百戰百勝餐會
一、 我們根本不是一個人,一直都有「人」在看。
二、 房間風水亂,就會產生憂鬱症。
三、 師父稱讚女出席者,有聽取他在上次餐會的建議,毅然地削了長髮。
四、 太遲睡,肝脂肪會過高。
五、 宗教沒有錯,錯的是人。法,給正人修,就是正法。法,給邪人修,就是邪法。
六、 我們希望纏身靈原諒我們,我們先要學會原諒別人。
七、 冤家宜解不宜結。
八、 玳瑚師父請出席者們寫下「聖」與「魔」兩字,再請她們說出字裡的含義。
九、 如何從現實生活中,看出我們的冤親債主纏身靈是否已離開我們?
十一、 如果一個長輩有老人痴呆症,如何讓她他們聽到佛法?
Master Dai Hu held his 34th Meal Session on 3rd August 2017, with the aim to teach everyone how spiritual entities (inner and outer) can affect our every thought and action, therefore our destiny as well.
One lady participant presented a bouquet of colorful flowers to Master Dai Hu. He said everything constituted the Dharma, and went on to explain the which flower colour represent Protection from Disaster, Universal love, and subjugation of all evil.
Because man is losing his morals, the world has descended into chaos.
One participant said she was a Buddhist, prompting Master to ask why she did not greet him with her palm clasped, since she said she was a Buddhist?
Why should we all do that? Why should we learn to greet our masters or seniors? The reason is because such etiquette refrain the arrogance in us.
As long as we remain arrogant, our hearts will remain conquered by the Mara.
Highlights of the Session:
1. We are not alone. There is always “somebody” watching.
2. A room with messy Feng Shui will cause depression to its occupant.
3. Master praised the female participant for heeding his advice from the last workshop to trim her tresses.
4. Keeping late nights will increase your risk of a fatty liver.
5. All religions are neutral. The problem lies in man. A righteous person will propagate and practice the right Dharma, while an non-virtuous person will turn it evil.
6. If we hope for our karmic debtors to forgive us, we must first lead the way: forgive others who has wronged us.
7. It is wiser to make one new friend, than a new enemy.
8. Master Dai Hu asked all participants to write 2 Chinese characters: (聖) Sage and (魔) Mara, and further asked them to explain the essences of these 2 characters. Master followed up with his own analysis.
9. How can you tell if your own karmic debtors have left you?
10. Master provided guidance to one participant why she must acknowledge her birth father.
11. How could you help an elderly suffering from dementia hear the Dharma?
12. Why did one suffer from a hunched back?
13. Why do a person have perpetual skin disease?
14. Why does the child suffer from cleft lips?
15. Why does one suffer from the disease of soft bones and cartilage?
16. Some people cannot succeed in life because they encounter spiritual disturbances and cannot concentrate at work.
17. The best way to educate a child is not by physical presence, but by imbuing him or her with wisdom.
18. Why are the wealthy ones so rich?
That night, one participant registered for the meal session but ended up “disappearing”. She did not respond to SMSes but finally admitted that she’s fearful of the spiritual unknown, and with added pressure at her work, had wanted to skip this session.
Master reprimanded her of not being responsible, and not sparing a thought for his assistant. She did not admit her mistake honestly at the start of the session until Master asked her. She then mumbled some reasons incoherently.
Master pointed out that people who tell lies and maintain an unkempt appearance are especially at risk of attracting spiritual disturbance. On that night, this lady exhibited a similar state of behavior.
Master gave this lady a chance to speak the truth, and reminded her not to weave any tales, and be forthright to offer an apology. However, she is strong-willed, and unwilling to realize her mistake, insisting that she was not lying. Therefore, Master asked her to leave the session.
3 days later, this lady tried to phone Master to offer her apology as she realized she was in the wrong.
Master often said that his main objective in organizing such complimentary meal sessions is to give back to the society. He is not a fool who dishes out advice to any Tom, Dick or Harry freely. As Master made a vow to propagate the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics concurrently to benefit all sentient beings, he must make time to act on his vow.
This is the style of a spiritual cultivator: Never allowing oneself to err on intent. If you want a good life, begin by building good morals.