31st Learning Session Recap: Wealth From Your PC and Laptop第31場回顧:電腦財富餐會
六、 人尊貴的地方,在於她他專一。
七、 鬼很容易招請,祇要做壞事,鬼就來了。
八、 但祇要我們有佛菩薩在後面,就能夠有定力不會做壞事。
九、 八字身強身弱的分別,及生活習慣的區別。
十、 師父稱讚男出席者樣子好看,但也說,英俊和美麗的人很容易做錯事情。
十二、 我們的雙唇和父母有怎樣的關係?
The usage of computers in today’s society has become so prevalent that it is now the key tool in our livelihood. However, many people failed miserably because of this same tool, the computer.
Master Dai Hu held his 31st Meal Session on 24th July 2017, teaching the participants how to deploy the correct computer wallpaper to boost one’s fortunes.
The participants that night, had all attended and benefitted from Master’s previous shopping spree event, and came wearing their respective auspicious colours as advised by Master. Master nodded in approval and commended them on their choice of clothes.
There was positive feedback from a participant who attended Master’s previous shopping spree event. He felt he received tremendous value from the shopping spree, much more than he originally expected. Hence, he was not concerned about the event theme. What was important to him is he gets to continue his learning from Master’s sessions.
Highlight of the session:
1. We must not hold extreme views of the world.
2. Give to others generously.
3. You love your family and friends, so why not strive for a better fate yourself?
4. Master Dai Hu pointed out to a participant that his ears are higher than his brows. What influence does that have on his career?
5. Why is filial piety, wisdom and kindness a central theme in most of Master’s articles?
6. A man becomes honourable when he is a faithful person.
7. It’s easy to summon the spirits. Once you commit misdeed, they will come.
8. However if we are protected by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we will have adequate resistance against doing non-virtuous deeds.
9. What is the difference in a Bazi that is strong and another that is weak? How different are their lifestyle habits?
10. Master praised the good looks of a participant, but warned that handsome and beautiful people have a tendency to err.
11. How can the one step we take, be equivalent to the hundred steps of others, progressing 100X faster than them?
12. What is the relationship between our lips and the fates of our parents?
13. A well-mannered person is likely to treat the elderly respectfully.
14. What problem will arise if a lady uses the computer excessively?
15. Should the mobile phone be carried on you?
16. Master Dai Hu did a name analysis for a participant and told him there is a high probability of surgery. The participant said he has already been through one.
17. Master analysed the wallpaper image of each participant’s mobile phone, laptop, and Facebook profile and cover photos.
18. What kind of people should not have their children’s photos as wallpaper?
19. Many men like images of posh cars as their laptop or PC wallpaper. Little do they know different life aspirations call for a different choice of posh car as their wallpaper!
20. How do you determine if a car is auspicious for you?
21. A house has its own Bazi. What should you do if you move into a new home on an inauspicious date?
When a person has neither merits nor virtues, his or her life is bound to be wrought with obstacles. Even if one has the grit and perseverance to surmount each and every one of the challenge, he or she will be totally exhausted at the finish line.
It takes good fortune to be able to attend Master Dai Hu’s session. Please treasure it.
After 31 such sessions, all done without any fees, Master Dai Hu felt that some people came with a playful attitude, out of curiosity or just simply in the spur of the moment. They showed no sincerity towards his teachings, and had no motivation to change their life.
Hence, Master will review the list of interested participants and request of them to first read and like all his FB articles.
Firstly, this would allow the participants to better understand Master Dai Hu and not just “follow the crowd”. Secondly, it would deter those who are not serious about their life and do not respect virtuous masters.
It is affinity, whether you come or you leave. Master Dai Hu does not force anyone. Like Jiang Tai Gong fishing by the river, the willing will bite the bait.