28th Learning Session Recap - How To Secure Your Ricebowl第28場回顧 – 保藏飯碗餐會
現今二十一世紀,我們家中的書房,早已是財政局、財政部、財房也。因此,每個人的居家,都一定要挪出一間房間,來做為書房,已即是財房。這當中是有其學問在的 。
一、 有些人很懶惰,但如果不想被淘汰,不要懶惰。有的人一直想跟師父學佛法,但八字已顯示她他是被動的,結果就錯過了。
二、 我們都要懂得變化,不可以十年都這樣。
三、 一間屋子哪個隔間代表財?
四、 爲什麼書房就是財房?
五、 爲何每一個家庭都必須要挪出一間房間做財房?
六、 玳瑚師父現場向一位女出席者說:「我這幾天收到妳的腦波發出來的訊息,說妳想請我幫妳孩子看八字。」
七、 玳瑚師父的書中自有黃金屋。
八、 怎樣的書桌最吉祥?
九、 在桌子上應該放什麼最符合風水?
十、 公司有裝修,都是一種煞。
十一、 風水不祇是一般人以爲的那麼簡單,光線、氣味、和聲音都是風水。
十二、 現代的文房四寶是什麼?
十四、 家中爲何會出現敗家子?
十五、 怎樣的桌面會影響情緒?
十六、 電腦的牌子不旺妳你八字時,會有什麼影響?
十七、 出席者畫出她們辦公桌的情景,玳瑚師父現場免費看風水:
(a) 從圖片中,師父一一分析她們目前在公司的心態和前景,
(b) 師父驚人地指出,女客人在辦公桌上擺放孩子的照片,對孩子的健康和性格居然有這麼可怕的影響!女客人恍然大悟,還說師父真準!
(c) 師父指導應該如何在自己的桌上,防小人,及催旺自己的事業運。
(d) 不能在電腦螢幕上放這樣東西!
(e) 如何用風水防止輻射的傷害
In the 21st century today, the study room in your house has already taken the role of the “Ministry of Finance” and the status being the Room of Wealth. Therefore, everyone must have a study room, aka the Room of Wealth in their house. There is great knowledge in this practice.
Master Dai Hu held his 28th Learning Session on the 17th April 2017, with the theme “How to Secure Your Ricebowl”, imparting the secret role of the work desk, as a mean to job security.
Master laughed and recalled that when he was naming this Learning Session, his disciple asked if the name might be too unrefined and common.
Master answered that this would serve his purpose of directly letting people know what they can expect from this Learning Session. Using too highbrow a term will not be popular and only confuse people. But please believe that Master Dai Hu definitely possesses a huge wealth of experience, despite the seemingly common theme name.
One female participant ordered a glass of watermelon juice, and Master reminded her that the wrong consumption of food would lead to defeats, and eventually the loss of her job.
Learning Session Highlights:
1. Some people are lazy but they need to quit the habit before competition overtake them. There are people who had been wanting to learn the Dharma from Master Dai Hu, but their Bazi showed them as passive and reactive. Not having the drive to learn had cost them to miss out.
2. We must be open to change. We cannot stay the same for the next 10 years.
3. Which room in your house signifies wealth?
4. Why is the study room considered the Room of Wealth?
5. Why is it important for every family to turn one room into the Room of Wealth?
6. During the session, Master Dai Hu told a female participant, “I have been receiving strong brain waves which you sent out., that she wish to engage his Bazi analysis service for her child. The female participant was shocked and in a loud voice, said profusely, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”
7. There are plenty of treasures to be found in Master Dai Hu’s book.
8. Which is the most auspicious type of study table?
9. What items should be placed on your desk for the best Feng Shui?
10. A company going through renovations always present a negative energy, otherwise known as Shar Qi.
11. Feng Shui is not as simple as what some people think. It includes lighting, smells and surrounding sounds.
12. How is the Scholar’s Four Treasures of a Study Room represented in today’s modern society?
13. Can a study room generate wealth luck if it is shared among family members?
14. Why does a family has a prodigal child?
15. What kind of table top can affect your mood?
16. What will happen if you use a brand of computer that is incompatible with your Bazi?
17. FREE Feng Shui advice from Master Dai Hu for the participants, who drew the layouts of their office desks:
(a) From the drawings, Master explained their current mindsets and prospects in their companies.
(b) Astonishingly, Master Dai Hu pointed out that placing photos of her child posed such adverse effects on the health and character of the child. It was a moment of epiphany for the participant and she commended the accuracy of Master Dai Hu.
(c) Master gave advice on how to guard against enemies, and enhance the career fortunes.
(d) He also advised against putting this item on the computer screens, and
(e) How to protect against radiation using Feng Shui.
Master Dai Hu gave abundant Feng Shui recommendations to the participants that night, and he told them that these advice is more than sufficient for them to have a respectable place in their companies.
It is a good feeling to have Master Dai Hu by your side, for he will protect his clients and students from harm. However, he will not be with you forever, so you must learn to protect yourself and make good use of the Chinese Metaphysics knowledge and life wisdom you acquired from him.