27th Learning Session Recap: Peach Blossom Luck of Personal Magnetization第27場回顧 – 桃花舞春風
– 老闆罵妳你,
– 股票虧錢,
– 客人投訴妳你,等等。
On 11th April 2017, Master Dai Hu held his 27th session with the theme “Peach Blossoms Dancing In The Wind – Strengthen Your Personal Magnetization”, teaching entrepreneurs the ways to more profits, and salaried staff the methods to attracting supportive bosses and colleagues, as well as how to excel in over areas of life.
At the start of the session, Master Dai Hu asked the participants if they know the 3 occupations to avoid.
He then went to talk about the occupations of killing, prostitution and gambling.
Indeed, one lady participant has a side business in the food industry. Master said taking the lives of any living being in the six realms of existence is killing, sowing a seed of heavy negative karma. This sin will implicate your ancestors, bring harm to you and your family, as well as your descendants.
Master explained the karma of killing, and advised the participant to quit the food business, as well as chanting the Mantra for Rebirth to Pureland and dedicate its merits to all animals killed by her. Even if these animals were not killed by her personally, they died for her, so the wrongdoing of killing is still there.
This participant presented a bouquet of flower to Master as a first-time meeting gift. Master made an offering to the Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas on the spot, explained to all the merits of flower offerings and how it can positively affect our Peach Blossom luck.
Learning Session Highlights:
1. One participant spoke in a very stiff manner. Master Dai Hu advised her not to speak like a robot, since the theme that day was on Peach Blossom Luck of Personal Magnetization.
2. Protecting our voice has an intricate link to our destiny.
3. It is hard to accomplish anything without Peach Blossom luck.
4. Where is one’s Peach Blossom luck?
5. The wrong food consumption based on your Bazi will result in:
- Frequent scoldings by your boss
- Losses in the stock market
- Complaints from customers, etc.
6. We will only suffer if we embark on a career that is against what our Bazi needs.
7. Not all humans are born in the human realm in their past lives. Some were animals in their previous lives.
8. Master Dai Hu, out of compassion, highlighted to a participant how her husband needed to watch out for changes in his health.
9. Master Dai Hu invited all participants to tell him, what did they think Peach Blossom Luck is?
- Ms Ho : It is a form of attraction.
- Miss Lee: It is the power that elicits support and love from other people.
- Ms Liao : It is a power that makes others want to be closer to you.
10. Master Dai Hu explained the true meaning of Peach Blossom Luck, and mentioned that a person will speak in an abrupt manner if there’s excessive of THIS element in the Bazi.
11. Which of our body feature plays the most important part in our Peach Blossom luck?
12. How can cosmetics help in your Peach Blossom luck?
13. How does doing kind deeds influence your Peach Blossom luck?
14. Drops of rain, when collected, will form the rivers and the seas. Small stones, when gathered, will form mountains. Therefore, small deeds of kindness can accumulate into a huge meritorious deed.
15. Why do some people become a servant or maid for life?
16. Master Dai Hu reminded the participants to thank the service staff. A word of thank-you is important. It does not cost a thing to you but not saying it shows that you lack manners, culture, etiquette and knowledge.
17. We are humans, not animals. Therefore we must behave with etiquette, that is becoming of a human.
18. We should not lead another person to fall in love with us, if we are not interested in him/her in the first place, as this will bring suffering to the other person. That is definitely not a virtuous act.
19. Master Dai Hu noticed that only one participant took notes, and said that he liked to teach people who were graduates because of their willingness to think and take notes. The only shortcoming, due to their high qualifications, is their tendency to underestimate the power of Metaphysics.
20. Regardless of your academic qualification and wealth status, never fall short on your aspirations.
21. You will enjoy Peach Blossom luck when you are in high spirits. Master Dai Hu recommended 3 types of food to maintain our happy state of mind.
22. Master Dai Hu did a live analysis of the Peach Blossom luck of each participant, according to their Bazi and facial features, and advised them the ways of strengthening it.
23. One lady participant has a stubborn character. Master Dai Hu advised her to quit her obstinate ways and strive towards a better destiny.
24. Jay Chou vs Wang Lee Hom. Why is Jay Chou more popular? How did he accumulate so much Peach Blossom Luck from his previous life?
25. When we are in the wrong career, we will be have unappreciative bosses and our well-being will be affected.
A fiery temper, as the name implies, has a fire element. Thus the common phrase in Buddhism: The fire destroys your forest of merits. It is extremely hard to cultivate merits but effortless to destroy them. We must always reflect on our lack, and do our best to rectify. Do not get angry and emotional if someone criticises you. This is not the way to enjoy great Peach Blossom luck.
To change for the better is to strive for a better tomorrow. Let go of all that is not beneficial for you. Constant grumbling and complaining is like hugging a time bomb. It will destroy your fortunes anytime.
Everyone should smile more, to exude more affability. The aim of our spiritual cultivation is to sever all attachments. If you want people to treat you well, ask yourself if you can do that to others in the first place. If not, you are just going to chase away your benefactors and destroy your own merits unknowingly.
At the end of session, Master Dai Hu fulfilled the wishes of the participants by autographing his book, blessing the chanting beads of a participant, and teaching them the proper usage of the beads. The session ended on an auspicious note.