26th Learning Session Recap: Prosperity Starts From Family Harmony第26場回顧:家和萬事興餐會
Master Dai Hu held his 26th Meal Session on 30th March 2017 with the theme “Harmony and Prosperity in your home”. This topic was inspired by his observation that Feng Shui of Singapore housing has been declining for the last 20 over years. Harmony and prosperity has became, like a mirage, unattainable.
At the Learning Session, Master Dai Hu imparted the relevant knowledge to the participants on how to inject prosperity into their own homes.
Master Dai Hu told everyone with a sincere heart that he never gives up on anyone. Often, it is them who gave up easily on themselves.
Every one of us can be prone to suicidal intention, and there is a code in our Bazi that indicates so. Thus, at the start of the year, Master Dai Hu told one participant to travel to a certain country so as to enhance his or her luck for this year 2017.
Opportunity is yours to fight for, so don’t beg others for it.
No one will treasure you if you do not treasure yourself. Therefore, love yourself in an unselfish way.
Learning Session Highlights:
1. What is family harmony?
2. Our immediate supervisor has a direct impact on our fortunes.
3. When you have merits and virtues, money will flow to you naturally.
4. What must we first eradicate in order to have family harmony?
5. Despite living under one roof, your family members are actually your karmic debtors in disguise.
6. How would your family fortune be affected by your wake-up routine, such as the making of your bed and combing of your hair?
7. If you aspire to earn a million dollars, you must first have an energy aura of a million bucks.
8. Why must a person be able to differentiate the right and the wrong?
9. How would family harmony be affected if members of the family clash with the Duke of Jupiter?
10. What kind of Feng Shui would manifest the situation of a jobless man, and a troubled career for the woman?
11. What is the tell-tale sign of family disharmony, that you can see the moment you step into a house?
12. This kind of house is bound to manifest skin ailments, blood disorders and numbness in the body!
13. How does the odour in your home affect the fortunes of your family?
14. This object on the bed is the cause of your headache!
15. This kind of Feng Shui formation will only cause your family members to lose their job consecutively and fall sick often.
16. The secret link between worn shoes and your family fortune.
17. Never take money that does not belong to you and do not take advantage of your own family members.
18. Master Dai Hu advised the participants to visit THIS place for luck enhancement when traveling to this country!
19. If there are birds nestling on top of your air conditioning compressor, will it affect our health?
One participant that night shared that she found Master Dai Hu to be very compassionate. Master Dai Hu had turned her away from his past few such learning sessions, and she knew that this was his reminder for her to do self-reflection. She felt Master is a person with a clear sense of right and wrong. If he had allowed her to come for the past few sessions, she would have taken his compassion for granted, and failed to examine on her misdeeds.
Master Dai Hu emphasised to everyone that self spiritual cultivation comes first, while Feng Shui and Destiny are secondary.
We must strive our best to prevent our heart from being corrupted. When we recite the mantra and sutra, we must let the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas hear our inner cries for salvation.
After the dinner session ended, Master Dai Hu brought the participants to the 24-hour Mustafa Shopping Centre, located at Little India. At the shopping centre, Master taught everybody how to select a perfume of their favourable element, to improve their inter-personal relationship, as well as family relations!