21st Learning Session Recap : The Secret of The Spiritual Protectors第21場回顧 – 守護神的祕密
2017年3月18日,玳瑚師父舉辦了第21場餐會 – 《守護神的祕密》。
一、 一個念頭,感召一個鬼。
二、 玳瑚師父敘述了一個真實故事:一位降頭師本來要下降頭於一位活佛,面見活佛時,背後有許多凶神惡煞的厲鬼。活佛一見,知來者不善,將一本《高王觀世音真經》交給他,叮嚀他唸誦此經典。降頭師無可不可,回家後就照著唸。隔天再來找活佛時,背後的惡靈都消失了,取而代之是諸多位善神擁護,祇因念頭由惡轉善。
三、 有正靈守護的人:每天都會行正、坐正,做有貢獻的人。
四、 玳瑚師父做免費活動,不是爲了要做很多很多的生意,而是希望有更多機會去教導人心向善向上。
五、 如何能趕走身邊不好的邪靈?
六、 有很多人一直在玩火。
七、 如何能讓正神守護著妳你?
九、 人會犯錯,就是因爲沒有智慧。
十、 鬼物作祟,會如何影響人的思維?
十一、 人的好運來自於(1)飲食、(2)穿著、(3)居家風水
十二、 很多人一直都在玩火,以爲邪神邪靈的守護力很大,不知道這些都不如佛菩薩金剛護法的力量十分之一。
十三、 佛菩薩諸神明有很多尊,如大慈大悲的觀世音菩薩、大智文殊師利菩薩、大行普賢菩薩、大伯公福德正神和關聖帝君等等。
十五、 玳瑚師父教導大家修持守護神之法,及去購買一枚相關護牌。
十六、 小小護牌能產生很大的守護力量,就看開光的人是誰。
十七、 玳瑚師父告知出席者們她他們守護神的來歷,原來和她他們的家庭有關!
Master Dai Hu held his 21st Learning Session on 18 Mar 2017, with the theme “Secrets of The Spiritual Protectors.”
Man is ignorant about the existence of Hell, therefore his endless stream of sins committed. Master Dai Hu also reminded everyone that their list of misdeeds written during the last meal session represent the homework due to be completed and repented in this lifetime.
A person must first have good fortune before wealth will come his way.
The Iching – Book Of Changes states that the world is in a constant flux of change. Therefore we should not be too attached to anything.
Some people have more than one Spiritual Protector behind them, many in fact, thus their ability to bless and empower others.
Learning Session Highlights:
1. Every thought attracts a spirit.
2. Master Dai Hu narrated a true story about a black magic practitioner who intended to cast a black magic spell upon a Living Buddha. When he met the Living Buddha, the Living Buddha saw many malevolent spirits surrounding that person. He knew that this person came with ill intentions, and handed him a book of High King Sutra, advising him to recite.
The black magic practitioner followed His instruction, and true enough, when he met the Living Buddha the next day, all the malevolent spirits disappeared. Instead, he is protected by many Heavenly beings. All because of his virtuous thoughts attracting them.
3. A person protected by benevolent spirits will live a righteous life, always contributing to others.
4. Master Dai Hu did not organise such Learning Sessions to attract more business. His sole purpose is to inspire more people onto the road of kindness and self-betterment.
5. How to drive away the malevolent spirits around you.
6. Many people has been playing with Fire.
7. How are you able to get righteous Heavenly gods to protect you?
8. Why do couples quarrel even after an intimate session?
9. Human beings commit wrongdoings due to ignorance.
10. How does ghostly disturbance affect our thinking?
11. How can we seek better fortune? Through : the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the Feng Shui of our residence.
12. Many people are treading on thin ice, mistaking malevolent spirits as all-powerful. They did not know that these spirits cannot be compared to spiritual accomplishments of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Vajra Protectors.
Master Dai Hu revealed to each participant the identity of their Spiritual Protectors:
13. There are many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Devas, for example, the Goddess of Mercy, the Manjusri Bodhisattva, the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the God of Merits and Virtues, the Saintly Emperor Guan, etc.
14. The 7 main benefits of cultivating the spiritual practice of your Spiritual Protector:
(1) Guard against the invasion of bacteria
(2) Protect oneself against villains.
(3) Prevent harm from ghostly spirits.
(4) Aid in business prosperity.
(5) Improve positive affinity with others.
(6) Recovery from karmic-related illnesses.
(7) Resolve enmity with your karmic debtors.
15. Master Dai Hu taught everyone how to cultivate the practice of their Spiritual Protectors, and advised them to get a related pendant.
16. A protection pendant is only as powerful as the person who consecrated it.
17. Master Dai Hu revealed to the participants the origin of their Spiritual Protectors . It turned out to be closely related to their own families!
There are scam syndicates, both in the human realm and the netherworld. It is wise to make a friend than an enemy. Let bygones be bygones, and not dwell on them anymore.
Master Dai Hu compassionately advised the participants on their individual Bazi. Some ought to change their living habits in order to turn their luck around.
He reminded one participant that to love someone is not to drive her partner to a death corner. There was no love at all in her for him. A person must earn his or her own keep. Relying on others for financial hand-outs, when you can earn your own keep, will result in a karmic debt to be repaid the next lifetime.
An person who is well versed in Feng Shui will never lack good opportunities, even in times of bad economy.
Most importantly, the man who knows the cultivation practice of the Spiritual Protector, and the strict adherence of the precepts, shall never be forsaken by the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and the Heavenly Gods.