29th Learning Session Recap: The Perfect Celebration of Our Parents第二十九場回顧:圓滿父母親節餐會
一、 飲酒後體態會有缺失。酒不醉人,人自醉。色不迷人,人自迷。
三、 師父提醒一位出席者,不要因爲家事,就講心寒。他對待師父也不佳,也不見師父說心寒。一點小事就講心寒,如何打出一個江山?
四、 人不要偷偷做善事,這樣是有私心。
五、 家人之間的關係有時會很棘手,所以要學智慧,並運用在我們和家人的交流中。
六、 沒有在戒律裡面的,始終不是善。
七、 師父有時也會受到恐嚇。幹大事者,泰山處於前,仍然如如不動。
八、 這世界是一個苦,所以我們必須要懂得出苦輪。
九、 孝順,必須內在和外在的孝順,讓父母得到內外的一種平穩。
十二、 吃錯父母身心有負擔,不要把生命給吃掉。
十四、 讓父母接觸佛法,多帶她他們去提升心靈的地方。
十五、 父母的腳爲何會局部麻痺?
十八、 父親的肚腩那麽大,怎麼辦?
十九、 母親沒有吃巧克力,所以才會這樣!

Master Dai Hu held his 29th Learning Session on 19th April 2017, sharing his wisdom with the participants on filial piety, with both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day just round the corner.
Master candidly said success would never fall on the lap of an unfilial person.
If you have entrepreneurial aspirations, go read the autobiographies of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Lee Ka Shing to learn their entrepreneurial spirits.
If you are easily defeated by small setbacks, you can’t accomplish bigger things.
1. Drinking alcohol risks one’s propriety. Like the Chinese saying goes: Wine doesn’t make men drunk, but men get themselves intoxicated. Lust does not overpower men, but men surrender themselves to lust.
2. When we sit, sit upright. When we hold our chopsticks, hold it well.
3. Master reminded one participant not to be down-spirited because of family affairs. His treatment towards Master is not great either, but Master does not say he is bitterly disappointed. If one is easily swayed by minor things, how will he be able to build his empire?
4. One should not secretly do good deeds without inviting others to join in. That is a selfish intention.
5. Family relationships can be tricky sometime. This is why we need to learn wisdom to apply it in our family relations.
6. When we do not adhere to the precepts, there is no virtue to speak of.
7. Sometimes Master Dai Hu will get threatened. But a man who does great work remains undeterred, even in the face of an obstacle as huge as the Tai Mountain.
8. This world is one of sufferings, therefore we must learn to escape this wheel of sufferings.
9. Filial piety must be carried out both internally and externally, so that our parents are emotionally and physically well taken care of.
10. No matter what we are feeling that day, remember to smile more often to your parents.
11. Bringing your parents to the right places, or buying them the right gifts, based on their Bazi needs, are very considerate acts of filial piety.
12. Eating the wrong food can cause emotional burden on your parents. Take care not to “eat” away your life.
13. All types of meat have their own elemental type, and consuming the right ones or the wrong ones will affect your own fortune.
14. Bring your parents closer to the Dharma, and to places where they can grow spiritually.
LIVE Luck Cycle Analysis of the participants’ parents by Master Dai Hu:
15. Why do my parents experience partial numbness in their legs?
16. Why do my family quarrel, and my mother’s skin condition worsen, every time I bring her to that restaurant?
17. Why does my father always lose in horse betting? Which game will change his luck?
18. My dad has a growing big belly. What can we do about it?
19. This happened because the Mother did not eat chocolate!
We must always strive for the better, and not be slack on ourselves. There are new competitors every day, and if we do not adapt, we will be ousted and forgotten.
As children, we have no right to blame our parents.
If we think that we are already very filial towards our parents, refusing to improve, and still buy things for them recklessly without any consideration for their Bazi needs, that would be filial piety in its foolish form.