The Sincerity of Master Dai Hu玳瑚師父的誠意
文 / 蔡豪華 小姐 Written by Miss Louise Choy
在整個購物活動中,師父非常謹慎地爲我們研究每一件衣物 – 從品牌、標誌、布料、質地、剪裁、顏色等等。他再依據我們的八字所需,為我們選擇適合的服裝。期間,師父強調運用玄學的知識來配搭我們的打扮,絕對不是迷信。他也重申中國玄學乃先輩遺留下來的珍貴古老智慧,我們應該好好珍惜才對。

It has been quite some time since I have attended Shifu’s tea session and the last tea session was last year in December 2016. But somehow, Shifu reached out to me and like any father would do for his children in need. He knows I am facing some issues in life and knows I have the tendency of closing door of opportunities. As a result, I have missed the boat all the time.
It was one phone call to him two days ago; he reminded me that one has to work hard to change his or her destiny and not wait for others to do so for you. Once again, I stepped out of my comfort zone and broke some barriers that I set upon myself and made my way to his tea session- the shopping theme.
I see the painstaking effort from Master Dai Hu
I arrived in the evening after work at Orchard and met up with him and the rest. The moment I saw Shifu, I greeted him wrongly and he corrected my mistake on the spot and asked me to redo my greeting. I must say, Shifu is really a good teacher. This is because only a good teacher will know how to correct student immediately without any qualms, as he does not want his student to repeat the mistakes and lost the merits.
Throughout the shopping journey, Shifu carefully studied each clothing for us – starting from the brand name, the logo, the fabric, the texture, the cutting, the colour and etc. He would carefully select the clothing piece, based on our Bazi elements and deficiencies. Meanwhile, he will re-emphasize why it is not a superstition to match our clothing correctly using the Chinese metaphysics way. He further reiterates that Chinese Metaphysics is a precious ancient wisdom left by our ancestors and all the more we should treasure it.
We could see Shifu took tremendous effort to share whatever he knows. And at times, I feel I don’t deserve to be around him to learn from him. This is because deep down, I know my merits are insufficient to learn this ancient wisdom from him. Furthermore, my lack of proper mannerisms, as pointed out by him, may not be cut out to be his shopping participant but still, he gave me the chance to learn.
Doing his utmost even for home decor selection
The next shopping activity was choosing the furniture at Ikea. Again, Shifu painstakingly explained the furniture design and colour to us. He also carefully advised us on which furniture design or colour suits our Bazi or can compensate for our Bazi deficiencies. All these are done in great detail. We are very blessed indeed to witness Shifu’s effort to make learning as fruitful as possible for all of us.
Overall, I gained and learnt a lot from this shopping journey and this has cleared some uncertainties in me. I am so grateful for Shifu in giving me a chance to be part of this shopping journey.