The Fortune Prospers When The Qi Is Full氣足運盛
There are two festivals at the end of the year that are widely celebrated by the world. During that period, hordes after hordes of merry-making men and women, decked in their festive clothes and makeup, thronged the streets to party. Some took to “Samba”, others preferred “Tango”, while the rest engaged in “sweet talking”. Naturally, these men and women have no clue that they should not be doing what they were doing, because no one really realise, and is willing to expound to them the truth of the law of cause and effect. To let them know that they are planting their own seeds of negative karma, fertilising, watering and nuturing them, and eventually bearing the fruits. Fruits that will cause them immense sufferings.
The more you enjoy life, the harder it is to realise your dream
Enjoying a fleeting moment of happiness, in exchange for an eternity of sadness, is certainly not typical of a wise person. Because a wise person would not trap himself in the endless cycles of karma. You will only attain eternal bliss without suffering when you escape the clutches of karma. Do you understand? Do you know how? Most of our desires are non-virtuous in nature, and being attached to them will only rob you of all hope, and render all your prayers and wishes useless, with more obstacles coming at you. The bliss, happiness and joy which you crave for shall become an impossible dream, never manifesting in your life. Why is Master Dai Hu living so blissfully, and without any attachment? What is my secret? The answer lies in my daily spiritual practice, and this cleanses me of all my worldly desires!
How to keep yourself in the peak of good luck and Qi
When we rise every morning, and a clear blue sky greets us as we look out of the window, we know in our hearts that it will be fine weather today. When we are on a roll, with everything going our way, this signifies that our luck energy during this period is on a high. When we see our own family members, relatives or friends on the sick bed, we know that their luck energy is on the slide. We can deduce from this that our fortune is determined by our Qi, or energy essence. The fuller our Qi energy, the more prosperous our luck. The same goes for the opposite. We should always maintain our Qi energy at the highest level, never allowing it to leak and slip away! Please do not be mistaken that a person dies only when his life force depleted fully. When your Qi is depleted, you will bid this world farewell too. Our life force and our Qi are intricately linked, and must be treated as a whole.
Master Dai Hu shares with you the various situations when your Qi is slipping away from you. Activities like exercising, sleeping, excreting or urinating, daydreaming, night dreaming, worrying, dancing, having sexual activity, wild partying, throwing a fit, having fun, having wild thoughts, complaining, feeling sad, etc, are draining you of your Qi. Only when you are doing your spiritual practice, such as reciting the sutra, chanting the mantra, or expounding the Dharma, can your Qi be preserved. I hope everyone remember this well, and enjoy an abundance of Qi and a prosperous fortune.