The Little Prawn Girl That Pulls In The Money招財蝦妹妹
Last night, my male disciple saw this particular mascot outside a shop. It was a figurine of a smiley little girl with a prawn on her head. He was quite disgusted by it, and could not figure out why the prawn was on her head. He even told me that the prawn resembled the human brain, exposed, making him feel more disgusted.
This disciple really has some odd viewpoints.
Let me divulge some of my skills and teach everyone what is the Feng Shui for attracting wealth and prosperity!
All of you are indeed fortunate, so please open your ears for my every word.
Great use of colours, shapes & the PRAWN!
The prawn on the head of the mascot represents the FIRE element, symbolizing speed as fast as a spreading fire. This will greatly increase the business of this restaurant.
The color RED represent universal love and respect. The entire aura of this “Little Prawn Girl” is that of warmth and friendliness. The girl represents the Yin element, as well as the water element. This fits perfectly for a Sushi restaurant in terms of the compatibility of the Five Elements.
The “Little Prawn Girl” has rounded hands and legs, and this represents the Metal Element, which in turn will generate the Water Element. Further up the head, you have the Fire element.
The new generation today thrives and enjoys such abstract features, instead of finding it odd. I would not be the least bit surprised if their customers queue up to take pictures with the “Little Prawn Girl” and put it up on social media, and further boosting the popularity of this Sushi restaurant!
The unknown secret behind doll-like mascots
Do not base your judgement solely on feelings, for they can be wrong most of the time.
It’s likely that this business owner consulted a Feng Shui master. And who knows, the “Little Prawn Girl” mascot might even be customized by the Feng Shui master!
Many shops and malls adopt doll-like (娃娃) mascots as a form of lucky charm, to get roaring business (好得哇哇叫).
An energy field that is lacking in warmth and love will result in repulsion, driving customers away.
Displaying mascots with magnetic abilities, at the entrance of a shop front, is like having the God of Wealth outside your door, diligently luring more customers into your door!
(For best results, this must be done in conjunction with good Feng Shui deployment in the interiors.)