The Price Of Turning A Deaf Ear忠言逆耳的代價
Amitabha! Master Dai Hu would like to wish all fathers a Happy Father’s Day.
The principle of filial piety is not built on the foundation of convenience.
Even if it may be inconvenient, it is our duty as a child to be filial. Remember, without our parents, we will not exist.
When we were still a child, we need our parents to tend to us, to keep us clean. A newborn will die within 7 days if there are no parents to take care of him.
There are many reasons why we must always strive our best to repay the debt of our parents’ raising us up in life. And this debt of gratitude is not the only debt you need to repay. There are the debts to your country, to your teachers, to Mother Earth, to all sentient beings, etc.
The gratitude to our parents is especially important, and the Buddha expounded on this in The Sutra About The Deep Kindness Of Parents and The Difficulty of Repaying It. Everyone can study this Sutra.
I wish everyone would be filial while your parents are still alive. Do not wait till they have passed on and suffer the regret and remorse. By that time, it would have been futile because it would be all over. You cannot turn back the clock, and all that’s left is the karma.
Thus, please act with wisdom and start now being fillial to your parents. Your parents at home are actually Buddhas, therefore filial piety is a virtuous act with immeasurable merits.
Music credit:
Not Without The Rest – Twin Musicom
Time Passing By – Audioautix
At Rest – Kevin MacLeod