40th Learning Session Recap: The 8 Methodologies To Amass Wealth Part 4第40場回顧:聚財八法餐會第四卷
玳瑚師父在2017年8月31日開講《聚財八法 – 第四卷》。
恰巧當天正是密教祖師爺南無蓮華生大士的佛誕,出席者也是密教弟子。師父學佛以來, 心中非常敬仰這位祖師爺。進餐前,玳瑚師父特別點了三塊蛋糕,供養給這偉大的大成就者,祝賀祂佛誕愉快,祈願佛道隆昌,世人皆能夠聽聞真實的佛法,實習佛法,離苦得樂。
Master Dai Hu continued his teachings on the The 8 Methodologies To Amass Wealth: Part 4, on 31st August 2017.
These 8 methodologies can bring a lifetime of benefits to those who know how to apply them. Thus, only the ones with sufficient merits have the affinity to attend these free sessions.
One will not treasure something not bought by money. Thus, Master is very selective of the participants for each session, making sure only the sincere learners be admitted.
A person who seeks nobility will have to take care of himself inside out, and be able to shine both from the inside (heart) and the outside (his physical manifestation).
Coincidentally, that day was the Holy Birthday of Guru Rinopche, the great patriarch of Tibetan Buddhism. Those present that night were also Tibetan Buddhists. Ever since Master started learning Buddhism, he had deep veneration for Guru Rinpoche.
Before having his meal, Master Dai Hu specially ordered 3 pieces of cake, of different flavours, and used it to make a birthday offering to the Mahasiddha, Guru Rinpoche, wishing Him a happy birthday. Master prayed for the flourishing of Buddhism, and may more common people be able to hear and practice genuine Dharma, and break free from their sufferings and achieve true bliss.
After which, Master distributed the cakes to those present. He hoped for them to be able to eradicate their negative karma, increase their fortune and wisdom, and form a deeper affinity with Guru Rinpoche.
Learning Session Highlights:
1. The 8 Methodologies To Amass Wealth: Sleeping
2. How can the bedroom accumulate wealth?
3. Which sleeping position is the most inauspicious?
4. The bed position may be important, but from which side do you get off bed to ensure victory every day?
5. Feng Shui in the bed sheets.
6. Design of the bed frame
7. Brand and material of the bed mattress
8. Engravings on the bed frame
9. Which way of taking rice from a rice cooker is considered inauspicious?
10. One third of our lifetime is spent sleeping on bed. Therefore, we must be particular about the Feng Shui of the bed to ensure that our good fortunes are being replenished, even when we are asleep.
11. It is impossible for everyone of us to have all our wishes fulfilled. Only the Buddha can truly turn all wishes into reality, Why is this so?
12. What does it mean to be “without life, without dealth”?
Regardless of religion, a man must observe precepts.
Observing the precepts does not mean that our life will turn dull. Instead, it transforms our life and allows us to live day after day, without err.
Many people think that they are good people, but did not thoroughly inspect their own actions and intentions. Master asked a participant to write down her past misdeeds, which she had committed at work. One lady wrote down a list of 7 misdeeds hastily, but Master reminded her to be more honest, for he was sure that she had committed more than what she had written.
Feng Shui can transform a person, from evil to good, and vice versa.
Whenever you wish to have more money, first ask yourself if you have given generously to others.