Happiness Originates from Precepts快樂的本源即是戒
As the saying goes, “Good medicine is usually bitter”. But is it really true? If you have doubts about this, you won’t go wrong asking me for the answer. “Are you serious?”, you might ask. Sure I am. I have immersed myself in the pursuit of the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics for many years, and I can now resolve your woes. The truth of the Universe is fair and balanced, or “just right” in layman terms, not too much, not too little in even simpler terms. If it is too bitter, the heart will be depleted. Too sweet, the spleen will be affected. Too salty, your kidneys will be hurt. Too sour, your stomach will suffer. So please keep well, my dear readers.
Very few people would be willing to suffer. That is normal. But while you have no wish to suffer, life is bound to be tougher as you live longer and age, even bringing with it pain and distress. What is happening? Some said it is just their lot in life. Some blamed their parents and spouse, and so on. Truth is, rather than wasting time pointing fingers, you will do better if you buck up and strive to seek advice from an able man on the formula to success or the art of mastering your own destiny. Only then, you would not have lived in vain. Do you want to suffer your entire life, from birth to death? If there are no merits or virtues accumulated in your life, you will end up suffering in the Netherworld. Why would you be so foolish?
According to my years of studying, the main reasons for one’s growing suffering in life boils down to two things: Wisdom and Virtues. When one has no wisdom, his every intention and thought become his obstacles to his worldly pursuits of spouse, wealth, descendants, fame, as well as one’s spiritual aspirations towards attaining Buddhahood. Due to the absence of virtues and merits, one’s path in life, be it secular or spiritual, will be fraught with obstacles.
Wisdom is not merely being clever, for clever people can end up being victims of their own cleverness. With wisdom, one attains an unimpeded penetrative view and is able to accomplish all pursuits. The wise one who accumulates complete merits and virtues shall attain the highest spiritual accomplishment, and in turn be able to empower and bless all sentient beings, allowing them to fulfil their wishes. What a great and magnificent achievement!
The Great Compassionate Lord Buddha taught us 2600 years ago, the magnificence of upholding precepts. He taught us that only with precepts, can one’s meditative stillness arise, and subsequently, one’s wisdom develops. This is the lifelong pursuit of all Buddhists, known as the 3 practices of precepts, meditative stillness and wisdom. If we deviate from this path, we will not escape from the six realms of existence. When one married person commits sexual misconduct, he or she fails to uphold the precepts. Therefore there is no meditative stillness nor wisdom, ending up in a sorry state of family breakup, divorce, maintenance fees for spouse, fighting for rights to children, etc. Ask yourself, how long must you suffer before happy days return? That is why Master Dai Hi tells you that precepts is the source of all happiness.