More Than The Notorious Eight千門何祇八將
諸位可別說,那祇是戲而已哦!要知道,戲裡的劇情,很多的靈感是來自於生活,都是來自於社會的哦!因此,才有「戲如人生,人生如戲」這句話啊!「千術」與「騙」是同源。「千術」祇是騙的另一層次,目的也是爲了達成己欲 。可笑可嘆的是,有些人還視這類「不務正業」的人,爲自己的偶像,是真的有夠愚癡的。可笑可嘆是一種慈悲的憐憫,希望她他們能早日覺醒,悟得今日騙她他人,他日還遭她他人騙。這是一種循環,好壞皆有其循環,故何必自尋苦惱。
Do you remember in the eighties, Hong Kong TVB had this serial drama of very high viewership, titled “The Shell Game”, with the popular theme song “Using Love to Steal Your Heart” by Liza Wang?
In the nineties, a similar drama serial was produced by Hong Kong Asia TV, titled “King Of Gamblers”. In the local TV scene, in 1993, we have the drama serial “The Unbeatables”. And in 2012, we have the drama serial “Game Plan”. Not only do these drama serials enjoy very high viewership, they also have the art of swindling as their central theme.
Don’t idolise a conman
Please do not say that it is only acting! You need to know that the stories in those drama serials are inspired by real life experiences. Thus the apt Chinese saying, “The drama on stage is like life, and vice versa”. The art of swindling is no different from cheating. They stem from the same source, with swindling being a different level from cheating, but with the same selfish end goal.
The laughable yet somewhat sad thing is, some people idolise such characters with immoral occupation. It is such an ignorant thing to do. I laugh and sigh at them, out of compassion. May they realise their folly soon and understand that all swindlers will get their just deserts. What goes round will come round, so why invite trouble?
Our mouths are not meant for gossiping
Wherever there are people, there will be discord and gossip. How do these disputes originate? The source is the speech from our mouths. Should we all shut up and keep quiet? How is that different from being a mute then? Please do not be rash and extreme! (Laugh) Nobody is asking you to be a mute. (Laugh)
The Buddha taught us to recite the Buddhas’ names and chant the mantras to curb the bad karma from our non-virtuous speech. As the wise adage goes, mindless chatters always involves other people’s business. The upper lip and lower lip always disagree with each other. Thus, let us all talk less, and do more. Swindling others through acts of deceit will invite troubles, or worse, being hunted by the police or your enemies! Isn’t that self-inflicted discord?
The swindlers I met
Obtaining one’s trust and divert his attention, in order to achieve your selfish intention, is unrighteous! That spells of ill morals, which will put an end to your good fortunes. You will suffer the retribution in your remaining years, and fall into the Three Evil Realms when your life end. If you have descendants, they shall not be of upright characters. Thus, please think thrice if you want to make a living out of swindling.
If you ask me whether I had met such people before, my answer to you would be, “Quite frequently.”
Can’t Master Dai Hu see through them in the first place? Of course I can, and at first sight, no less. However, if I do not allow them to “deceive” me, how would they be able to get near me, for me to teach them the Dharma? I am sure you would have met similar people. Thus, there are certainly more than the Notorious Eight in the art of swindling