蓮花The Lotus

Photo credit: Google images
It was only recently that I was able to truly admire flowers in meditative silence. What I mean is to delve into the intrinsic nature of flowers to have a deeper understanding, and I discover that flowers are not as simple as they seem! It is for the same reason that, a few weeks back, I wrote an article to talk about the essence of flowers, to arm you with the correct understanding of flowers and knowledge on using it in your daily life, so that you will not fall into secularization or become a anthomaniac.
Life lessons from the flowers
Flowers burst to life in Spring, and come Summer, they compete to be the most radiant of them all. This is an interesting phenomenon of Nature, which serves us an inspirational message worth learning. The lesson: this is just a game. There are no ill feelings, be it you win or lose. Everybody is still family and good friends, creating the future hand-in-hand just as before. Under the infinite skies, let the children of this Earth work diligently and proactively to preserve the etiquette, chastity and morals. Let us all strive towards betterment and kindness together and reach that place of immeasurable light, leaving behind the darkness and endless reincarnation cycles of sufferings. When that time arrives, you will live up to the name of purity.
The true significance of lotuses
In my past article, I had written about my love for flowers, specifically lilies, orchids, tulips, daffodils and peach blossoms, etc. My beloved fans and readers, this list of flowers is for your reference. Please do not think that it is strange for a lady to give flowers to a man. It is not, and furthermore, you are giving flowers to a true spiritual cultivator, who will present your flower offering to the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and the Heavens, and pray for your merits to avert disasters, increase your fortune and inter-personal affinity, as well as overcome your challenges. What a good deal! You should not regard a true spiritual practitioner the same as an ordinary person! Moreover, the chance to meet a cultivator with genuine accomplishment is one in a million.
I would gladly accept almost any kind of flower, especially the lotus. We know that the pristine lotus grows out of the dirty mud. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas use the lotus as their Dharma seat. This is highly symbolic and directly conveys this message: even though all of us are here in this evil world of five turbidites to repay our karmic debts, our Buddha nature remains pure and pristine. It is the moments of greed, attachment and ignorance that cloud our pristine nature and bury it under foul and filthy karmic affinities.
We thus go through repeated cycles of sufferings of birth, aging, illness, death, unfulfilled wishes and desires, association with those we dislike, flourishing of the Five Skandhas, separations from loved ones, and many more. We should accept this noble demonstration of the lotus, and honour it by performing virtuous deeds and adopting virtuous views, so that we may reclaim the purity and bliss of our own Buddha nature.