最大的降伏法The Greatest Tantric Practice of Subjugation
by 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu September 7, 2016
佛門中的顯、密雙教,有一顯著不同的地方,即是結界。這結界就是虔敬祈請,護教金剛神,時時刻刻守護行者,也就是修護輪。行者或一般的佛教徒,在修法中一定要虔敬祈請、供養,護法金剛守護我們,一切修法吉祥如意圓滿。除非你妳想成爲魔的點心,那你妳不修護輪,早晚很快地便如你妳所願,成為魔的 Dim Sum (點心)。哈!哈!哈!
很多人錯認爲結界「在外」即可,所以佛還沒修成,自我的我執、習性、增上慢(傲慢),全部湧出。其實啊!這些就是魔已入侵,再不快快如法懺悔的話,未來便是魔子魔孫,悲哉!哀哉!大聖佛陀、傳承祖師爺及吾之根本上師,聖尊蓮生活佛教示: 最大的降伏法是結界法,先降伏內在的狂心。吾,玳瑚師父,完全贊同。慎之,切記!

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There are 2 schools of practice, among many others, in Buddhism, namely Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism. The main difference between these 2 schools of practice is that the Esoteric school practices demarcation. Demarcation is the rite of supplicating respectfully and sincerely the Dharma Protector deities for their protection at all times, otherwise known as the Protection Practice. The spiritual practitioner must offer sincere prayers and offerings to their Dharma Protectors during their practice so that the practitioner can be free from obstacles and disturbance. If you wish to become a snack for the Mara, then please do not practice what I taught above, so that in time to come your wish will come true and be served as “Dim Sum” to the Mara. Ha! Ha! Ha!
How to identify a person who has been possessed
What I meant when I said you become the “Dim Sum” for the Mara, is that the 3 vital energies of your life (essence, energy and spirit) will be consumed by the Mara. I am not referring to your physical body being eaten up by the Mara. However, the outcome is just as bad! If you have made your choice to suffer, why drag others in with you? When one’s life energies are being devoured by the Mara, he or she is just like a patient in the mental hospital. He or she will not recognize the family, and would tell everyone that the Buddha or Bodhisattva is here, that Jesus Christ or Mother Mary is here. Or he or she would proclaim himself as God, and expect others to obey his commands.
The Best Way to Protect Yourself Against the Mara
Whatever you are learning, be it Buddhism, Taoism, or anything else, you must take a step-by-step approach, consolidating your foundation at every step. Therefore, please adhere to the proper rites when seeking and practicing the Dharma. Never cultivate blindly and heedlessly in your spiritual journey.
A complete Tantric practice always consists of the Prelude Practice, the Main Practice, and the Epilogue Practice. Let us talk about the Prelude Practice, which is very important. Of course, the other 2 Practices are significant as well. The Prelude Practice is a critical block in building your Buddhist cultivation foundation. When you perform the proper Practice in accordance with the rites, your unwholesome traits like greed for wealth, lust and fame, arrogance, jealousy, ignorance, etc will be swept clean. After that, one can proceed forward step-by-step until he reaches the state of liberation and emptiness, an eventually attains Buddhahood.
Many people misunderstood that demarcation of the external elements is sufficient, that is why they fell prey to self-attachments, unwholesome traits and arrogance, even before they attain Buddhahood. The fact is these people have already been invaded by the Mara. They must perform the proper repentance rites fast before they morph into the descendants of the Mara. How sad and pitiful that would be!
The Great Sage Lord Buddha, the Lineage Masters as well as my Root Guru Master, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng expounded: The most powerful Tantric Practice of subjugation is the Demarcation Practice, to subdue and tame the unwholesome heart in you. Master Dai Hu agrees with this wholeheartedly! Please be cautious, and remember this teaching!