玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


陰宅堪輿 Yin House Feng Shui


祖先的屍骨,葬入地中,就會產生新的陰陽電。 祖先的骨灰,放入靈骨塔裏,靈骨塔秉受著大地的地氣,也同樣會產生一種陰陽電。陰陽電也就是磁場。因爲血緣和遺傳基因的關係,祖先的陰陽電和後代的陰陽電都是互相干擾的,祖先的靈波時時都在影響後代子孫。

有些人認爲靈骨塔應該沒有什麽風水可言吧?有的。 墳墓如陽間的有地住宅,靈骨塔位如公寓的一間私人單位。墳墓的墓碑如陽宅的大門,骨灰盦的照片面向,就是這個人的陰宅向首。向首必須和他的先命配合。這個 依然對後代子孫產生極大影響。難道你沒有碰過,一個人爲何長期偏頭痛不會好?而一位師父叫他去拜祭他的先人,為破損的祖墳進行維修,就好了呢?




  • 墳墓風水
  • 靈骨塔位風水
  • 擇墓地
  • 擇墳墓 / 靈骨塔位


YIn House

 In the olden days, it was the Yin House Feng Shui that commanded priority over the Yang Feng Shui. People back then believed that the Yin House had a lot of effect on the spirits of their ancestors, and that if the ancestors were not buried well, the descendants would suffer greatly. According to their beliefs, the opposite holds true as well. Yin House refers to the burial site, and it could be a burial ground in a cemetery or a columbarium where the ashes and remains of your ancestors are kept.

When the remains of your ancestors is buried in the ground, an energy field is created from the Yin and Yang interaction. Likewise for the ash remains placed in a columbarium. The columbarium itself is imbued with energy from the land, and will have similar Yin and Yang interaction, creating a magnetic field. As the descendants shared a similar bloodline and energy imprints from their ancestors, therefore their magnetic fields are intertwined. The magnetic fields of the ancestors affects that of their descendants constantly.

Some people felt that there is no Feng Shui at play when it comes to columbarium. It is incorrect. There IS Feng Shui element at work even at a columbarium. A burial plot in a cemetery is like staying in a landed property while a spot in a columbarium is like living in an apartment unit. The number on the tombstone is like the house number. The facing direction of a Yin House in a columbarium is determined by the direction which the photo of the deceased is facing. First of all, the facing direction must be aligned with the birth chart of the deceased. This has great implication to the well-being of the descendants. Have you ever met someone with a nagging migraine that does not seem to get better until he was told by a master to visit the grave of his ancestor to repair the damaged tombstone?

The quality of Feng Shui at the burial site of your ancestor has a direct effect on the intellect development of the descendants. A good Feng Shui will produce descendants of excellent pedigree. They will be law-abiding, kind to others and with qualities such as loyalty, integrity and filial piety. They will be outstanding and make positive contribution to the world. Of course, not forgetting the blessings of wealth to the descendants if the ancestors enjoy good Feng Shui.

Yin House Feng Shui services:

  • Burial Plot Feng Shui
  • Ash Urn Niche Feng Shui
  • Selection of Burial Land
  • Selection of Burial Plot or Ash Urn Niche

empowering individuals to change their destinies.