陽宅堪輿 Yang House Feng Shui
「屋如其人,人如其屋」,我 們看一間房屋,必須得將它「同人看待」。人有生辰四柱、童年、少年、青年、壯年、老年、健時、病時、身、臉、手、腳、眼、眉、 鼻、耳、口、心、肝、脾、 肺、腎,等等。每一間房屋,同樣都有這些。而這些與我們住進這單位,所發生的事情如:身體健康出狀況、事業不順、婚姻生活、子女學業、男女桃花、投資失利、創業失敗,等等等,有著莫大的關係。是勝是敗、是喜是憂、是聚是散、是合是離、是盛是衰、是榮是休、 是強是弱、是福是貴、是美是醜、那就要看你妳,到底懂不懂「屋如其人,人如其屋」了。
八卦的八個方位,代表一個家 庭的所有成員。勘察居家風水,需要所有居住在這家的人的生辰八字,玳瑚師父會依據個人的八字,為客人爭取福元。
玳瑚師父會為陽宅做完整深入的風水勘察。他採用自然、簡單 又迅速見效的風水方式,平衡並強化客人居家的磁場和旺氣。他會為家中的每一個隔間,給予以下建議:
- 家具擺設,
- 粉刷顔色,
- 屋内設計如
- 灶位、水位、神位、財庫位,
- 孩子文昌位,
- 為各家庭成員選適合自己生命磁向的臥房,
- 流年風水的調整,
- 擇日動土、安床、安灶、搬遷 (新家)
- 等等
如果客人正面對任何問題如事業、感情等,請事先告知玳瑚師 父,讓他從居家風水裏找出問題所在處,並給予您他專業的建議。
Our destiny mirror our house and vice versa. When we view a house, we must see it as if we are looking at a human being. A person has his birth details, childhood, teenage years, youth, adulthood, middle age, old age, period of good health, period of illness. He has a body, face, arms, legs, eyes, brows, nose, ears, mouth, heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidney, etc. Likewise, a house has similar traits just like a person. Situations that develop when we are living in a house relate closely to the concept that the state of the house mirrors your fate.
Examples of situations:
- health issues
- troubled careers and marriages
- academic performance of the children
- romance luck
- failed investments and businesses, etc
The eight directions on the Eight Trigrams represent every single member in your family. During the Feng Shui audit, Master Dai Hu will give recommendations based on the birth charts of the individual family members, to extract maximum benefits for them in the house.
Master Dai Hu performs a very thorough Feng Shui audit of the house, adopting simple, natural yet effective techniques to harmonize the energies of the individual family members with that of the house. He would make recommendations for each space in the house such as:
- Furniture layout
- Choice of color
- Interior designs
- Positions of the stove, water basin, altar and store of wealth
- Position of scholastic achievement (Wen Chang) for your children
- Suitable rooms for each family member
- Feng Shui adjustments according to the annual flying stars
- Auspicious dates and timings for renovation, installation of stove, bed, altar, etc, house moving
– and many more
Estimated time needed: 1.5 – 2 hours
Should you be facing a current problem in your career or relationship, please highlight them to Master Dai Hu before the Feng Shui audit takes place. He will uncover the root of your woes and give you his professional advice.