個人八字 Personal Birth Chart Analysis
吾師曾寫道「有人種樹,有 人乘涼;有人抬轎,有人坐轎。誰說這不是命運? 」
個人的八字是我們生命的藍 圖,從八字中,我們能窺探到我們人生的許多秘密。明瞭自身的先天命運,就能適時地趨吉避凶,進退有序,成爲明天機的人。要不 然,我們就像瞎子探路,隨時隨地都會跌進坑洞,「一失足成千古恨」,還累人累己啊!
每一個八字都有自己的可取之處。只要能取長補短,每一個人都可以在 這短短的生命時間裡活得很有價值。
人生從開始到結束,都會有很多面臨選擇的時刻。例如;該攻讀哪一科,該進哪一行,該加入哪一間公司,該幾時轉行,該不該創業,該住哪里,該投資什麽, 該買哪一個名牌包或哪一輛車,該嫁給A君或B君,該娶A女或B女,該生多少個孩子,該生怎樣的孩子 才會旺父母等等。有時,更會面對棘手的抉擇,例如;該不該和伴侶的父母同住,該不該離婚,該不該申請破產,該找哪一個醫生治 重病等等。
人生在世,無論你追求的是 什麽,終究的目的就是為了要快樂。但要快樂,自己必先要行動。玳瑚師父提倡 (一)知命,(二)改命,(三)立命。
我們後天的命運跟我們的意 念和選擇有很大的關聯。在批八字的過程中,玳瑚師父除了能回答上述的問題,及個人命運的榮枯、學歷、名譽、事業、婚姻、健康、財運、子嗣,也會告知您個人的優缺點,強項和弱點,才藝和潛能,及最重要的,如何創造更快樂的未來。
如果您面對任何問題,師父 也會樂意聆聽,再給予他專業的意見,助您做出最明智的選擇。
越早知道自己的先天命運,越是個有福之人。但真正有福的,莫過於當 機立斷採納師父的建議,為自己開運的人。
Be the Master of Your Own Fate
My Master once wrote “There is one who plants the tree, and another who enjoy it’s shade. There is one who lift the carriage, and another who sits in it. Who are we to say that this is not Destiny?”.
Your personal birth chart is the blueprint of your entire life. We can pry into the many secrets of our life once we have a grasp of this blueprint. Once empowered by this knowledge on your predestined fate, you would possess the ability to accelerate the good tidings as well as evading misfortune. When you know Heaven’s will, every step you take will become premeditated. If not, you would be like a blind man walking the streets and may fall into a hole any moment, causing eternal regrets and burdens to oneself and others.
Every birth chart has its own strengths. If you know how to maximize your strong attributes, everyone of us can shine and live a life of immense value during our short stay on this planet.
From the moment you were born till the day you breathe your last, you will encounter many events and face with many different choices. For example, which academic subjects to specialize in? which career path to take? which company to join? when is a good time to start your own business? what would be a good investment? Which branded bag should you buy? Which model of car should I choose? Should I marry Guy A or B, Lady A or B? How many children should you have? What kind of children would bring luck to you? Etc etc. At times, there would be even more difficult decisions to make, for example, the question of staying with parents, going ahead with a divorce, or bankruptcy, or which doctor should I choose to heal your illness.
When you are alive, no matter what your pursuits are, the ultimate goal is to make you happy. But to be happy, you need to take action. Master Dai Hu advocates a three-step process:
1. Know your own birth chart.
2. Start the change process
3. Establish your new track in life
Our destiny has plenty to do with our thoughts and choices. In the process of a birth chart analysis, Master Dai Hu shall answer your queries on your personal fortune in all aspects (prosperity, education, fame, career, marriage, health, wealth, descendants) as well as pointing out your strengths and weaknesses, potential and talents. And most importantly, he will divulge the path to create your own blissful future.
Master Dai Hu would gladly offer a listening ear to your woes, and give his professional advice to help you make the wisest of choice.
The earlier you embark on this journey of self-discovery, the more fortunate you are. The real fortune lies in your decisiveness in adopting the advice from Master Dai Hu and shape your own destiny.
To contact Master Dai Hu, please click here.