以茶會友 – 第九場 :圓智溫宵聚慶佳節9th Recap : 2016 CNY Lantern Festival Tea Session With Master Dai Hu
2016年二月二十三日,元宵圓夜,玳瑚師父在新加坡文华东方酒店的MELT ~ The World 咖啡廳,舉辦了《圓智溫宵聚慶佳節茶會》。有位七十五嵗高齡的老婦人,前來賀年學習,玳瑚師父體恤老婦人,把原先的茶會地點換到更明亮的咖啡廳。
十一、 從出席者臉上的痣,如何知道會有婦女健康和腳的問題?
十二、 要知道妳的男伴有沒有偷吃,有沒有性病,從這裡看!
十八、 丙申年沖太歲的四生肖,需特別注意的事項
十九、 千萬別往這方向旅行!
二十、 如果居住在這凶方,可以以這簡易的方法化解!
二十二、助運方法: 得偏財的口訣
二十三、助運方法: 增旺讀書運的風水佈局
有些人會入魔,因爲不能夠制止自己的貪,一直要,要不到,就發狂成魔。她他們卻不懂得抱握時間和機會做功德, 沒有發菩提心,做幫助人的事,如何會得到大福呢?
很多人在2016年裡都希望過得比去年好,想擁有更多的錢,得財神的眷顧。 天下沒有白吃的午餐。 不是妳你的,不要貪,不要拿,不要偷。別以爲沒人知,天知地知,妳你身上的鬼神都知。 玳瑚師父贈給大家一句話: 君子求財,取之有道,不義之財雖到手,無限後患跟著來。

On 23 February 2016, the night of the Lantern Festival, Master Dai Hu held the 9th Tea Session at Melt – The World Cafe. A 75-year-old lady was one participant who came to learn new knowledge and wish Master Dai Hu a happy new year. Master Dai Hu took into consideration of her needs and changed the venue to the cafe, a place of brighter lighting.
Tea Session highlights:
1. What is the significance of gifting CNY red packet to Master Dai Hu?
2. A person must exercise regularly, in order to have clarity and focus to achieve monumental goals.
3. The connection between Jupiter and the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs.
4. The various situations, that signify a clash with the Grand Duke of Jupiter.
5. How does Master Dai Hu decide how much merits to bestow upon each client?
6. How not to succumb to a closed mind.
7. What is the most needed element of Singapore and what is its significance to us?
8. The signs of good Feng Shui in a residence.
9. A person must experience the four seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, in order to have a good life.
10. It is alright to suffer in your younger days. However, in your old age, you must possess enough merits to be financially comfortable.
Master Dai Hu’s Live Demo of Face-Reading:
11. From the facial moles, how can you detect health issues in the female reproductive system and the limbs?
12. Observe this spot on the face, to find out if your male spouse has any extra-marital affairs, or sexual disease.
13. How to tell if your husband will support you financially
14. Does this lady have the destiny of being a university graduate?
15. How can you tell from a person’s face if his/her parents are in good health?
16. What is considered the biggest taboo for a woman’s facial features?
17. How can you determine if a person will enjoy a blissful old age from his/her face?
Outlook for the Year of the Fire Monkey:
18. If you are of any of the four Chinese zodiac signs that clash with the Grand Duke of Jupiter, what are the things to look out for?
19. If you are travelling, never take a tour in this direction!
20. If your residence is sitting in this inauspicious direction, implement these simple remedies.
21. Please take these actions if your bedroom is sitting in this inauspicious position!
22. The secret to a financial windfall
23. A Feng Shui formation to increase academic luck.
24. Which 6 types of meat should we refrain from over-consumption?
Master Dai Hu’s explanation of true filial piety:
25. Being filial is not just about giving monthly allowances to your parents. You should also know their elemental needs from their birth charts and plan well for their future.
26. An eighty-year-old lady will not be able to benefit much from the application of Feng Shui. We can only use the Dharma to help her to achieve a higher realm of existence.
27. What should you do if your parents fall into a state of comatose?
Live Q & A:
28. Master Dai Hu pointed out that one participant had chosen the wrong academic course to pursue. It would bring no benefit to her career. The participant inquired what courses best suit her.
29. In Mahayana Buddhism, which scriptures and mantras are being recited in the morning prayers?
30. A colleague’s wife had repeated miscarriages. What should be done?
And more.
Master Dai Hu sighed that many people are learning the Dharma improperly, due to starting on the wrong foot. He explained why a person serious about learning the Dharma should take refuge in the Triple Jewels, and reminded everyone that the sole purpose of learning the Dharma is to become a Buddha, and never for self interest or for one’s family.
Some people will go onto the path of the devil because they are unable to curb their rising greed. Alas, they failed to grasp the opportunity in every moment to perform meritorious deeds. They fail to allow their bodhicitta to flourish and do things to benefit others. How can these people ever get the good fortune they so crave for?
Many people wish for a better year in 2016. They hoped for more wealth and blessing from the God of Fortune. However, there is no free lunch in this world. Do not harbor greed or desire, take or steal the thing which does not belong to you. Do not think that no one will know of your unwholesome act. The Heavens and the Earth shall know. The gods and spirits in your body shall know. A word of advice from Master Dai Hu: A gentleman of noble character seeks his wealth in a righteous way. Disasters will always follow unrighteous wealth.